Serious Wish List:
I wish my school debt was paid off instead of the school I had to leave at the time holding it against me.
I wish I was actually able to use a debt consolidation program but as it stands until I am employed with a company and or something IT I cannot afford to even budget for paying down my debt.
I wish during this year of Jubilee, that it was actually observed in this country and debt was canceled every seven years...(I truly want to pay it off I just have at this point no means to)
I wish I was off SSI and employed in an IT position, as of yesterday.
I wish working on this test didn't take as long as it has been taking, with as much heartache as it's taken.
I wish my brother would stop saying that 'I'm not employed' and failing to see that I am working my butt off to pass this test and become employed at the end of 2015, with both A plus tests passed.
I wish He'd stop using me as an excuse to not become employed again.
I wish I wasn't the oldest kid sometimes, because a lot is heaped on me as far as 'well if she can do it then' etc...
I wish I didn't care as much as I do, or had a soft heart, but then again I'd be back to what I was before.
More then anything I just wish people cared really cared...looking out for one another, honestly and not with self interest in mind, I hate hate, I loathe sin, and I wish God was back already...