(Jesus, I hate Eli Lilly.)
Worse. Zyprexa. It'll fuck you up way royaller than Prozac. My psychiatrist was giving me the damn stuff because I'd been on it a long time (8 years) rather than because he even knew what it was helping- he outright admitted it.
I think Eli Lilly's practices in marketing are unbelievably evil, not because Zyprexa (a heavy-duty antipsychotic with heavy-duty side-effects, and a withdrawal that as of yet I have to find mentioned anyplace except customer reviews and personally found excruciating) was prescribed off-label for what appears to have been
insomnia, but because they are indiscriminately (and only quasi-legally, if that) marketing such drugs to anyone they think they can get to buy them (
encouraging off-label prescriptions), although they are fully aware of the potential risks involved and how off-label prescribing makes it even more likely that the cure will be worse than the disease than prescribing a heavy-duty drug as it was intended to be used. The fact that I was someone that this happened to just makes it more personal. I hate the pill-popping culture of health in general and mental health in particular- "Give me a pill and it will solve my problems" would be a dangrous mentality no matter what, even if (ha- trust again) you could trust drug companies and the system in general to give you what you need.
Perhaps to give you a wee bit of an idea of what I mean (because without backing the prior paragraph up, it sounds conspiracy-theory-ish to me): Eli Lilly has started the process of getting a new, injectable form of Zyprexaon the market (well, they're damn far along the path, or almost all the way there by now- I heard of this moneths back). The worst side effect, according to them, was "extreme sedation." Apparently, Eli Lilly considers "extreme sedation" to be adequate to describe being unconscious and unwakeable, or in a coma (both of which were observed in their study, and then lumped into the "extreme sedation" category). I think that their claim is that the injections were not given correctly. I have trouble imagining that the injections would be given perfectly correctly no matter what, even if it was going to be prescribed apppropriately. It will not be prescibed appropriately- it will be prescribed and/or used off-label.
I understand that these are suibstances that can truly help people if the substances are used appropriately- I am not anti-med so much as anti-med-corproation, and pro-nonmed alternative wherever possible, (sometimes it isn't). However, I think that the way they are used now is morally reprehensible, abusive, even disgusting.