Who do we blame more, the fundamentalist nuthatch escapees who want to do us harm through terroristic acts of unwanton, non-specific violence or the lame-assed, self serving dictator wannabes who are charged with the security of our individual home lands.
Good fucking question.
Right now, I am mostly blaming the nuthatch itself. I just have no idea of how to close it down without using similar tactics that the escapees inflict upon the theoretically free peoples of the world.
I see some blame on both sides. They seem to take offense at our very existence, but we do rather like to flaunt it in their faces. What might have started as desperation is badly ingrown and romanticized. If only we ignored them and let them go their own way, it would probably calm down, but the damn oil calls us back. It almost makes me glad it's finite.
Aside from getting our collective heads out of our asses about energy sources, I'd say more checks on the systems that operate by an eye for an eye. All that supposed power we have, and we still find it necessary to torture and to detain the potentially innocent without recourse?
Near as I can figure, it's like the bull, it's like Cal, on a massive, massive scale. And I'm always looking to understand and overturn and refine my view of the fractal.