
Author Topic: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?  (Read 634 times)

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This is long but I just have to be all aspie about it. Ranting and being a fan girl and bitching about online play.

The Elder Scrolls III I Oblivion on my PS3 with the Shivering Isles expansion pack. The best RPG ever!
The best thing about Oblivion is the customizable characters you can create.  My PC is not so powerful
so I had to settle for the PS3 version. The PC version is the bet becuase you can get mods and that includes a mod
where you can take the loin cloths of your character. It's great for guys if they want to create a female character.
It could be great for me because I could look at my dark elf's genitalia. My dark elf is the most sexiest man after Ringo.
With mods I could even make Ringo! a naked Ringo with fiery drumstick dual weapons.

The others for PS3 is Warhawk which is online play only there is no offline campaign and the servers are full of stat padding dicks who kick me out when I play too good. People in the high "General" rank kick other lower ranks out simply to keep their place on the leader boards.
I have only made it up to "Airman" rank becuase I constantly get kicked out becuase of my low rank. They complain about me being a noob on voice chat and then
when I got better and became airman after a couple days they kicked me off there server! They just wanted to use me as target practice.
This is why Halo is better becuase you can't kick people out of games simply for your own gain on the leader boards.
They have great skills in using the kick option.

Resistance Fall Of Man
Resistance Fall Of Man is OK. I have almost finished the campaign but online play sucks the people suck not the actual game.
Idiots just randomly throw grenades everywhere no skill whatsoever just grenade throwing.  Most of my deaths in Resistance were from grenades thrown every where in a big shit storm. THERE EVERYWHERE. If your going to play Resistance only play with few people as possible. Too many people = an unavoidable rain storm of grenades.

Rock Band
It's fun and has customizable characters unlike Guitar Hero. It's fun to play with freinds. When my aspie freind comes over we play it. He's on guitar I'm on drums.
The drums takes a lot of energy so I have to take breaks. Some times he can a stubborn aspie and just want to play the guitar all the time, he's badly out of shape so I don't blame him. My Aspie freind that is I don't say names. The game is pretty lame when you just play the solo tour. One annoying thing is that it gets so repetitive with the same songs over and over. For now I can just play on medium but oh no not "Green Grass And High Tides" on medium that one made me frustrated.

I do have a PSP but I only play it on the go. Though Final Fantasy Crisis Core is a good bedtime RPG game to settle down with. I'm a night owl type. Most of my nights are spent playing games. The next morning at work I have an energy drink to cope with early mornings.

« Last Edit: June 28, 2008, 02:33:08 AM by Beatle Soul »

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Re: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2008, 08:22:37 AM »
What video games do I have?

Do you want the complete list or only the ones that are legal copies?

Shit, I have 2 Nintendo64 consoles and about 22 games for them, 2 GameCubes and about 20 Games, a PlayStation2 and about 10 games, a Mod Chiped Xbox 1 with 6 games, but seeing as its chipped, I'll be downloading games as I go. And I have a Nintendo Wii with about 10 games.

Then I have emulators on the PC for SNES, GBA, N64 with thousands of games. Also have a Commodore64 Emulator and an Amiga Emulator, Atari 2600 Emulator, Sega Mega Drive emulator.

I have too many games.

But the ones that Im playing at the moment:

LEGO Indiana Jones on the PC, Project Gotham Racing 2 on the Xbox, Wii Sports Wii Play and Mario Party 8 on the Wii, Star Trek Armada II on the PC.

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Re: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2008, 04:19:58 PM »
What video games do I have?

Do you want the complete list or only the ones that are legal copies?


A few Nintendo64's
A couple of Dreamcast's
An old Atari
Genesis (somewhere I think)
A couple of Gamecubes
Xbox (softmodded)
DS one for my son, one for me

I pick up partial & broken systems and sometimes resell.

Thinking about picking up a Wii, temptation is getting the best of me, my son doesn't really care, but mom wants to play Super Mario Galaxy & Zelda.

At the moment playing Castlevania Curse of Darkness, Soul Caliber 2, & Stubbs the Zombie

« Last Edit: June 28, 2008, 04:22:23 PM by Icequeen »

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Re: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2008, 07:03:07 PM »
Actually to be honest, I dont know if my Xbox is chipped or softmodded. I have no idea how it has been modified to play 'backups'.

I want to put in a bigger hard drive and some custom launcher software or whatever its called, or XBMC. At this point I know so little about the Xbox. Plus its the first modded console I've ever had.

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Re: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2008, 07:57:23 PM »
I always liked Blizzard games especially Diablo 2 but my new computer has vista and will not run it
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George Bernard Shaw

Offline Gluey

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Re: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2008, 08:23:14 PM »
What video games do I have?

Do you want the complete list or only the ones that are legal copies?

Shit, I have 2 Nintendo64 consoles and about 22 games for them, 2 GameCubes and about 20 Games, a PlayStation2 and about 10 games, a Mod Chiped Xbox 1 with 6 games, but seeing as its chipped, I'll be downloading games as I go. And I have a Nintendo Wii with about 10 games.

Then I have emulators on the PC for SNES, GBA, N64 with thousands of games. Also have a Commodore64 Emulator and an Amiga Emulator, Atari 2600 Emulator, Sega Mega Drive emulator.

I have too many games.

But the ones that Im playing at the moment:

LEGO Indiana Jones on the PC, Project Gotham Racing 2 on the Xbox, Wii Sports Wii Play and Mario Party 8 on the Wii, Star Trek Armada II on the PC.

ooooooooh watch out for the piggies  :police:

I have all those emulators too. Dreamcast was the best system but mine broke. Dreamcast was soooooo amazing and I got picked on for having it by PS1 fans!
a bunch of idiots dream cast was the first console to have online service. It had the best games like Sonic adventure 2, Crazy Taxi, Jet Grind Radio and Shenmue
I was the only gamer at my school that experienced the best. No one else even knew what Shenmue was!

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Re: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2008, 08:27:11 PM »
Oh and I have more than just my PS3 and PSP I have Nintendo DS (all games for it are downloaded  :police:) , PS2 (Slim version) , Game cube, two different versions of Sega Genesis with Sonic and Mortal Combat,
I have the old NES with the first Final Fantasy. I used to have Super Nintendo but I pawned it off for $15 just so I could buy Ringo Starr's latest album.

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Re: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2008, 09:22:32 PM »
Yeah, I wouldn't mind picking up an old SNES and choice games to go with it, nothing like the real thing, I mean the emulators are pretty good, and I have an wired Xbox360 to play the games with but I dunno, if you really really like certain games, there is nothing like the real thing.

But nah, the cops dont care if you have pirated games, they usually only care if you are selling them at markets or on the internet and shit.

Hell, I had an old friend who got raided by the federal police for hacking and using Illegal high speed modems (this was in 90-91, US Robotics 14400 modems from the US, werent approved for use in australian telephone network). The federal police noticed they had bongs and other drug related items and they did nothing about it, they even joked about it. weird

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Re: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2008, 09:23:22 PM »
Haven't upgraded the hard drive in mine yet either, was going to since my son was nagging me for Mugen after we pulled up a few shots of it on YouTube.

Ended up putting it on the PC, figured it would be easier entering chars that way.

Mine had a flakey Thompson DVD drive, bought a parts machine for $5.00, girl who sold it to me said it just wouldn't power up, turns out the only thing wrong with it WAS the DVD drive, since I was batting 1000 and now had a spare console I decided to mod it. Thing is it plays backups without ANY errors at all, pop in a stock disc and it produces read errors after about 10 mins, go figure.

xbox-scene has lots of interesting tutorials.  ;)

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Re: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2008, 09:28:39 PM »
Yeah, been to that site, pretty much seems the top site for that kind of stuff. I just dont know what I have really. I think its a version 1.6/1.6b. will have to fully pull it apart to find out. I have a feeling its mod chipped seeing as I can tell its already been opened up, holes in the stickers covering the 2 inner screws, and the rubber feet look like they have been removed before. I had a look inside, has a Philips dvd drive and an 8GB western digital drive, or at least I think its 8GB, from what I've gathered so far, it can be hard to tell, seems like the 8 and 10 gig drives can have the same model number, could be wrong about that. Doesnt really matter as that will be put away as the backup/original drive anyway. Looking at getting 500GB WD for it so I can put the games on the hard drive. Load quicker and dont have to change discs (read that as lazy  :green: )

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Re: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2008, 11:47:56 PM »
I have too many to list. Right now my favorite is the PSP because I can put music on it and listen to it. I bought a 4 gig memory card so it holds a lot of music. I only have two games for it, Sonic Rivals 2 and Ultimate Board game collection. Not many games I like for the system but I like using it as an ipod.

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Re: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2008, 03:54:17 AM »
Okay, I opened it up and had a look. Using the version finder on xbox-scene, mine is an Xbox v1.6, and the mod I have is DuoX 2. Looking into getting a 500GB Western Digital for about AUD$95. What I have to do after that to get it all working with a good launcher, I'm still reading up on.

So many choices. I hate too many choices.


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Re: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2008, 04:12:38 AM »
The Elder Scrolls III I Oblivion on my PS3 with the Shivering Isles expansion pack. The best RPG ever!

Oblivion is 'The Elder Scrolls IV'. And I believe Mass Effect is the RPG ever ;)

I have too many games.

No such thing... There is only "not enough time" (to play them all).

But the ones that Im playing at the moment:
LEGO Indiana Jones on the PC, Project Gotham Racing 2 on the Xbox, Wii Sports Wii Play and Mario Party 8 on the Wii, Star Trek Armada II on the PC.

Armada II kicks much arse :)

I always liked Blizzard games especially Diablo 2 but my new computer has vista and will not run it

Worry not, for Blizzard recently announced Diablo 3 :D

No one else even knew what Shenmue was!

I have a friend who I would claims Shenmue as the greatest game.

Am I the only one who has an Xbox360?
Additional to that I also have a (modded) DS and a (modded) Wii, and my awesome PC.

I'm a strategy nut, I love strategy games, preferably real time. My current strategy game is Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath for Xbox360, but I've also been enjoying Company Of Heroes (copied), and Sins Of A Solar Empire (copied, but would love to buy it). Also got Boom Blox for my Wii and that's awesome fun to play :)

I should note, that I'm an obsessive gamer, I love, breath, eat, play, sleep, dream, sweat, and shit games. :: nods :: Yep.


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Re: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2008, 04:13:13 AM »
That doesn't even scratch the surface :(

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Re: What video games do you have? or what are your favorites? and why?
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2008, 05:00:12 AM »
Zelda takes the cake for me.

I was playing WW again today.

I really like TWW, unlike most, I think the sailing is cool.