OK, time for a toilet joke ...
A patron who had imbibed to excess stumbled into the bathroom at the bar. Lots of time had passed and the other patrons could hear an occasional blood curdling scream coming from the room. Finally, the owner decided to check on the guy and knocks on the door, "Are you OK in there?"
"Yeah, almost done. I tried to mercyflush a couple of times, but there is something wrong with your toilet. I don't know why, but when I pull the handle it hurts my balls like HELL!" This puzzled the owner of the bar, "What the hell are you talking about?" and he asked the man if he needed any help.
"No, I'm done now, but I'm gonna let you flush it. I can't take it again. My balls are killing me!"
"Fine! Get out of there and I'll take care of it." So, the snarling patron stumbles out of the toilet and into the bar again, sweating and swearing. "You gotta get that thing fixed," he grumbled. The owner walks in to flush and the toilet is clean, so he looks around a bit, then stuck his head out the door to yell at the man, "You drunken fool! You crapped in my mop bucket!"