Sir_Les, you misread me, I like you with a degree of respect, but, I don't see your points a lot of the time. So, I'll keep my piehole shut in regards to your opinions in the future.
Have a good life!
Hey Ozy. Wasn't having a go at you. Quite the opposite. I thought it was quite funny to see Nocti lap up the attention and try to impress you with his troll hunting story. It sounded brave but humble and made him sound strong yet almost.......human.
When I say "have a good life", it means your gone from mine .................PERMANENTLY (semi). The doors not completely shut, hell, I forgave the guys who raped and abused me. It just means I will not waste precious brain cells on trivial shit and individuals. As time goes on and I see worthwhile reasons to change my mind I will do so. Pragmatism and moderation are my life philosophies. I just need a reason to do so!
Very melodramatic Ozy. No seriously.
Whatis it you are wanting or expecting here Ozy? That after inferring that though you are forgiving of people that sexually assaulted you that I am "hard-pushed" to earn "your forgiveness?". No Oz. Not only have I done nothing to you but I don't play those games, even if I had.
I won't tell you to go fuck yourself, but get over yourself and when you feel like being reasonable, my Pm is open and I will be reasonable in return.
I like you Ozy and I think it is a shame you seem to have lost it.
<sigh> I guess, I'm not very good at making myself clear when I get frazzled and such. No, you haven't done anything to me and I was referring to other times and events. At the moment, I am feeling frustrated with the weather, tasks unable to complete, multiple long distance driving events, etc, etc, etc.

It's not a game, it's just stuff overflowing in the emo range and it seems I have lost it. If there is a male version of PMS or Menopause, I think I'm knee deep in the hoopla. HELL, I'm having serious pains and stiffness in my shoulders and hips, (where's the old geezer emoticon?) I am in need of "serious" fun and distraction and/or solitude. I can't wait to get the results of my psych evaluation.

Life sucks somedays!