Here's my perspective. I do not deal with the events on AFF because the row between Zach and Sir_Les on AFF is not my concern. I am mostly concerned with what happened on Gestalt on the 12 July 2008 and directly leading up to that displaying motivation.
Context leading up to events. (Times are BST).
I2 - June 22, 2008, 12:09:57 AM... Sir_Les giving his reasons for calling out Zach on I2, 'The guy is a little shit. I just want to abuse him a little'. This may very well have been posted before he saw Zach's blog since the thread was started the day before. The fact it seems unaware of Zach's blog, and that the thread was started first, is why I put it first in this list.
June 22, 2008 - Zach's blog - which I think is unfair in relation to naming 'Rossco' Sir_Les.
But please do not post and write impolite letters, as this reflects on all of us and me as well - and it also proves the point that Autism Speaks is trying to make. I’ve already had to deal with one of these idiots and it resulted in me wanting to take down the site. If I get another person like Grumpy Old Rossco from AspiesForFreedomwho wants to be impolite I’m going to get very upset. I don’t have the time do deal with immature whiny brats.
I2 - June 23, 2008, 05:41:32 AM... Sir_Les writes the 8th post about Zach in the thread (having noticed Zach's blog now)... 'He is 22 going on 8. He is a little punk. He needs an arse-kicking and my size 10s need a workout'.
End of 'context'... on to the events leading up to Sir_Les joining Gestalt...
I2 - July 11, 2008, 04:15:43 AM... Renaeden says that Zach 'took all his complaining to Gestalt.'
I2 - July 11, 2008, 11:03:05 AM... Sir_Les replies.
Oh cool. I would like to perhaps met the young man there and having a chat. You can't tell me the address can you? 
I2 - July 11, 2008, 11:06:44 AM... Renaeden gives the link to Gestalt.
Gestalt - July 11, 2008, 5:35 PM... Sir_Les opens his account at Gestalt.
I2 - July 11, 2008, 05:36:57 PM... Sir_Les responds, Thanking Renaeden for the link and then writing, 'Where are my steel capped boots?' This
directly after opening his account at Gestalt.
I2 - July 11, 2008, 11:15:01 PM... Ozymandias recognises what is going on and knows about previous behaviour like this from Sir_Les.
Quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of these forum battles spilling over into other innocent forums. Sir_Les went after Timelord on AspergianPride from a feud on AI. I smacked that down on AI and warned Bonnie on AP about what she was dealing with.
July 12, 2008Gestalt - 02:02am = 1st ever post - Attacking Zach.
I2 - 02:19am = Sir_Les post on I2 boasting about that 1st post (also suggests his PM to Zach was sent prior to this time).
Gestalt - 2:28am = My 1st PM to Sir_Les saying that he should not attack Zach and asking if his next post will be an intro.
Gestalt - 2:53am = 1st PM reply from Sir_Les admitting he dislikes Zach and saying he will 'be sure' to intro himself.
Gestalt - 3:02am = 2nd ever post - Ambiguous
humour at the expense of Zach in Zach's intro thread.
Gestalt - 3:22am = My 2nd PM to Sir_Les insistant that Sir_Les should not be giving Zach exclusive attention, and saying that I will edit his Sir_Les' first post to remove the personal comments.
Gestalt - 4:22am = Sir_Les' 3rd ever post - Intro post, but making unecessary mention of Zach in an obviously biased against way - I chose not to make a further PM because my former one had not been replied to - I did not wish to hound Sir_Les but give him time to reply to me.
Gestalt - 4:25am = My post welcoming Sir_Les to the forum in his Intro thread.
Gestalt - 5.22am - 5.54am = I made several posts in the 'Google' thread examining on from the good points of Sir_Les' first post in
that thread and Aspens reply to it, by examining Zach's claims more closely.
Gestalt - 7:35am = My post in the 'Google' thread, confirming that I had cross referenced Zach's screen shot with others which showed it accurate and not fake.
Gestalt - 8:00am = My post in the 'Google' thread reminding posters of the good points in Sir_Les' original forum post.
Gestalt - 8:06am = 2nd PM reply to me from Sir_Les in an aggressive tone. I noted he read my 2nd PM before (or only shortly after) he posted his Intro.
I2 - July 12, 2008, 09:52:12 AM... Sir_Les, names me 'Nocturnalist'. Note he wrote this AFTER he both read
and replied to my 2nd PM which he complained about...
he does not appear particularly upset by it.Yeah some Admin there Nocturnalist (?) removed it and tried to lecture me and I suppose felt far more empowered for doing so. I thought it was laid on a little thick and that his fear of the situation outweighed his knowledge of what was going on. Glad no one saw. This way I can talk it up without having to back myself with evidence. It was mostly harmless banter 
Gestalt - 3:28pm = My 3rd PM to Sir_les advising him of what he should do if he feels he has a complaint about an Administrator.
Gestalt - 4:54pm = 3rd PM reply to me from Sir_Les stating that he will be complaining about me to Sophist for my being biased against him.
Briefly what followed...
After Sophist and Sir_Les talked, Sophist was lead to believe that Sir_Les would offer me an appology... instead he sent me a very impolite PM. She had apologised because she had not been fully aware of why I PMed following Sir_Les' 2nd post. Sir_Les then sought me to resign as an Admin at Gestalt, until Sophist clarified what she meant. Sir_Les was then sent a retrospective about his first post on Gestalt (I voted against this being sent to him), and in understandable response he complained about my second PM to him again, this time to all the Admins. When they found against him, he then PMed them back basically calling their judgement hypocritical because they didn't agree with him.