So I have said you don't "know" me and Odeon said "Do you "know" Zach"? My indications to show I "know" Zach must therefore conflict with telling you that you can not "know" me.
Getting better Nocti. Well Done! Before you start hi-fiving yourself and all, it still fails. It was better though.
You are using a word meant in a generalised way to mean the word in a specific way.
And there I was thinking you were using the word 'know' to indicate you know Zach from his posts in your post at the start of this thread... and are using the word 'know' in your disclaimer to indicate that I cannot possibly know you from your posts.
Your reply to this is just a big bluff... criticising my logic in quoting your word choice. And then completely side-stepping it without giving any answer whatsoever.
Hey, fancy footwork, Sir_Les. Phoney but fancy. 
OK, you can generally know Zach from his posts but I cannot generally know you from your posts. I did not take that to mean you specifically knew Zach from his posts or I specifically knew you from yours
And I certainly did not take it to mean that you sexually knew Zach from his posts and I could sexually know you from your posts 
So, are you going to make a straight rather than slippery reply?
Nothing fancy nor slippery about it. I just "wrongly" assumed that an intellectual chap like yourself would not need it explained.
I "know" who Zach is. In what context do I "know" him? I know his username by site. I know what he said, I probably know who he is by site. I can associate him from all the nameless people on the internet that I have had or made no association whatsoever. I even have an opinion of the guy. No a good one but one all the same. I am happy putting my hand up to know him in this context. I do not imagine I know what rattles around in his mind but I can guess and realise my guess is as good as anyone else's.
Now how do you claim to know me? You infer to know my intent, motivations, what psychological disorder I have, whether and why I may project onto you (or anyone) and all manner of other things. This you rarely qualify and often pass it off as fact, "considering you...", "let's face it....", and such precursors to a premise are to entice the person reading to take it as a point of fact that there is no doubt to what is about to follow. Logic flaw.
You know this though Nocti because you are (apparently) smart, so why think I (who is not as smart IQ-wise) or anyone else here would fall for such crap?
So the question now?
"Do you imagine you have powers of insight that mere mortals do not have, perhaps?" No. There was no suggestion of this. You invented a (please say it was deliberate and you are not that stupid) logical flaw in the semantics and then tried to pass it off as meant in the same "capacity" which even Blind Freddy could see.
You seem to have one standard for yourself and a different standard for other's Sir_Les. Or are you simply very fond of dancing the twist? Do I seem? No I don't think so. Try again Nocti. Better than previous attempts though.

TheZach thing. The Zach came to AFF with claims that Autism Speaks was being a bastard and threatened his shirt printing company he outsourced to remove a line of shirts with some stupid fucking slogan like "Go away Autism Speaks. I can speak for myself". It sounded pretty harmless and I and a number of others on the site thought it was an over-reaction. We had a 15 year old kid from AFF last year being targeted and sued by Autism Speaks so whilst most people did the "Oh horrible for you". I offered to write a snakey letter to them. Like I do from time to time and have for different ill-treatment to people on the spectrum. He got on my case about it. I was kinda flabbergasted as to why. I naturally responded a little angrily that HE comes to the board with a problem asking for help, it is offered and he has a go at the person offering?
Others there started saying "I don't know what to do and I am genuinely concerned you will start having a go at us if we offer". He keeps getting pissed off at me and I keep replying. He writes a shitty article on my on his blog and about how bad AFF suck....whilst still trying to elicit support from us. Timelord comments on a few of them and he holds that up to the folk at AFF as to evidence that others think I am a rascal or troll, or bully, or need a spanking or whatnot. He get summarily laughed at as Timelord was banned from the forum for being a dickhead. (Yeah he was harassing a teenager and yes he had done it before and a good number of other things but "dickhead" kind of covers all bases). Incidentally he is now trying to take legal action against AFF and has tried to set up a ripoff site that was closed down by AFF Admins. As the Chosen One points out a fine fellow.
Now I decide to go out and get support because things have stalled somewhat because irrespective of the alleged merits of the cause, Zach is being......well Zach. I write a letter "a good letter" (In my humble opinion. Would not come close to satisfying Nocti's critique, but I was happy with it). I followed up who had been receptive and pro-active in promoting the Autism Speaks suing the 15 year old thing. Sophist and her forum were one of those that did. I exchanged a couple of emails and thought she sounded nice and I better check out her site. I am on numerous forums for ASD and join new ones rather too often. So many places were targeted on TheZach's behalf including a couple of news sites.
The Zach naturally showed that he did not like that I had done this because
I had done this. At this stage i was about the only constructive support he was getting. He was still writing shitty things on his website. I placed a callout on him and PM'ed him at Zomg, AFF and I2. Also around this time it came to pass that TheZach who represented this as truth and fact (like some Lion I know) found out the shirt printer had made the decision with any communication with Autism Speaks. He was hounding people. all over the ASD internet community including Wrongplanet, et al He then kinda shrugs his shoulders when Autism Speaks then casts evil eyes about the place, rightly assuming, they are being maligned unfairly (in this instance) and that the Autistic Community are probably a bunch of retards in need of a bit of chelation and unable to represent themselves fairly or rationally.
Now The Zach then writes another article on his blog targeting "Google". He says "THIS IS WHAT GOOGLE THINKS OF SPECIAL NEEDS INDIVIDUALS". OK now look at this statement. He is right or he is wrong. It is not up for interpretation. Google thinks this. He then advertises that around on different websites, including ASDGestalt and tries to get people fired up at Google. Only it comes to light that he is wrong in this. It is not true. Again rattling the cages and asking people to arm themselves and go fight of this new enemy of Autism Rights and again completely wrong.
The thread was going stale on I2. I did go to AsdGestalt and with a curiosity about the place. I had wanted to visit Sophist's forum anyhow and this provided an opportunity.
As to what happened next well we have that pretty much covered. Over and over and over again. We have rehashed it 6 ways to Sunday. Hell I even apologised to the Admin staff for that.
So call that lies or whatever you like. Perhaps you can go into this post and try to find some little juicy contradiction or smear on my values or behaviour or try to ridicule me about some aspect of it. I am sure you will and I am sure that you will do it badly and I will laugh at you for it. There no more question as to what happened?