Author Topic: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.  (Read 30295 times)

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Offline Nocturnalist!

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #285 on: August 02, 2008, 07:43:53 PM »
...morons infecting the population and spreading their vile hatred of anything that they couldn't be themselves.


In case you have forgotten, luv, this is a forum where someone can say what they fucking well like; no matter what.

Well apart from you and your chums you appear to object to anybody else saying what they like :explode: Anybody would think you feel easily threatened.

So since you are disinterested in what we have to say, and it would be far from you to criticise somebody for saying what they like here, why do you persist in posting to this thread and criticising people for saying what they like? :razz:
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 07:46:27 PM by Nocturnalist! »


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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #286 on: August 02, 2008, 08:16:42 PM »
...morons infecting the population and spreading their vile hatred of anything that they couldn't be themselves.


In case you have forgotten, luv, this is a forum where someone can say what they fucking well like; no matter what.

Well apart from you and your chums you appear to object to anybody else saying what they like :explode: Anybody would think you feel easily threatened.

So since you are disinterested in what we have to say, and it would be far from you to criticise somebody for saying what they like here, why do you persist in posting to this thread and criticising people for saying what they like? :razz:

Firstly, you poor excuse for a homesick abortion, I was referring to people such as yourself. Try taking a look in the mirror next time before you bother to type - you'll find a prehistoric mongoloid retard looking back.

Secondly, I haven't yet seen anything in your posts that would vaguely resemble intelligence, humour or even fact. Now let's clarify something for the braindead out there. Sir Les offered help to the Zach because this retard Timelord was getting stuck into him, and Timelord and this other 'tard tried to get Zach committed. Then the T-shirt saga happened, which to my knowledge was blown out of all proportion and could have been easily fixed by him ignoring the hollow threat and producing them anyway. The message on the shirt was not breach of copyright, because it was a political statement voicing an opinion. It was his design. But he cracked the shits when help was offered, and Sir Les tried to get things sorted out. Then you obviously decided to weigh in and stick your nose in where it wasn't wanted, and fucked the whole thing up. Now was that the smart thing to do? Was that the right thing to do? Was that something that Plato would have done? Fucked if I know, but you obviously did it. And now you are carrying on like the drama queen you portray and expect everyone to play your little game. Well sunshine, obviously you forgot your meds this morning, because things don't work that way here. Now fuck off to your little slice of heaven while we think up some even nastier little things we can do to you.

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #287 on: August 02, 2008, 08:56:15 PM »
:agreed: SELF- :pwned:  :wanker:

Have you lost the faculty of language there? :eyebrows:

I have no problems whatsoever if I am to be called Sophist's underling by somebody like IntensitySquared's Patron or you. She is a friend of mine and I don't feel in the least bit threatened by it. I was simply referencing some of the words you PMed to me, Sir_Les. Am I supposed to be embarrassed about your words? Projection again perhaps... I can understand why you'd be ashamed of those words :green:

I do not consider myself a 'man'. It is not a word I am comfortable using of myself. So long as Sophist doesn't find it offensive, as far as maturity of attitude is concerned, it may very well be true to say she is more of a 'man' than I am. I do not consider myself to be a 'man'. Male, but not a 'man'. I would imagine lots of people, both male and female, are more of a 'man' then I am.

So, are you going to be 'man' enough to answer what I earlier asked you about knowing people by their posts, or continue to side step it like the coward you are? :green:


When asked by Odeon early in this thread if Sir_Les knows Zach...

Yeah I know him. He is 22 going on 8. He is a little punk. He needs an arse-kicking and my size 10s need a workout.

Sir_Les then produces the links to a load of posts as proof that he knows Zach. You can see the post on the first page of this thread, I'm fine with him giving posts as evidence that he knows somebody online from their posts.

However, currently on Gestalt he is hypocritically insisting that people cannot possibly know him (the great Sir_Les) by the posts he himself makes.

He currently has a little 'disclaimer' in his signature on all his posts at Gestalt which includes the line...
This single post nor a handful of posts in isolation is not going to allow you to know me (the author) and it is no slight on intellect to suggest so. It is like "knowing" what it is to be an orphan after reading "Oliver Twist"

It is his way of whining that I cannot have a go at him because I cannot actually know what poor Diddums realy is like just from his posts.

So which way is it, Sir_Les... since you can't seem to pull yourself away from this your thread. Can somebody know enough about a person from posts to make a judgement on their character or, if I cannot in your case, how can you make judgements about Zach or myself based merely upon our posts?

Do you imagine you have powers of insight that mere mortals do not have, perhaps? :eyebrows:

You seem to have one standard for yourself and a different standard for other's Sir_Les. Or are you simply very fond of dancing the twist? :LMAO:

I think Sir_Les cannot help but project his own character on others as a way of disowning the pathetic character he is in real life. :eyelash:

WTF? Still going strong hey Nocturnalist?
So what have you got?
I like this better Nocti. Unlike the Tough Guy act, the modesty and false modesty and the whining....this has a lot more potential of putting me on the back foot and showing me to be dishonest or vague or stupid or whatever you are trying to do.
So I have said you don't "know" me and Odeon said "Do you "know" Zach"? My indications to show I "know" Zach must therefore conflict with telling you that you can not "know" me.
Getting better Nocti. Well Done! Before you start hi-fiving yourself and all, it still fails. It was better though.

You are using a word meant in a generalised way to mean the word in a specific way. It makes the argument not cogent. It is a logical flaw. You have the IQ to know that. I certainly don't have a monster IQ like yours yet you make such flaws.

Nocti even if you can scrap into MENSA, don't. I can see Callaway being able to more than hold her own with smart people in arguments there but it will be like walking into a room full of Russwords for you I feel.

BY the way I don't feel at all bad by saying that "Sophist is twice the man that you are". The context was very clearly that Sophist was apoloising for you and I thought that was something that you would have done if you were a man. That you didn't doesn't distress me it just gives me the impression you are not much of a man, and Sophist who is not a man is moreso than you because of her actions. Do you need me to break it down for you again into easier bite sized chunks for your IQ to wrap itself around?
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 09:06:19 PM by Sir_Les_Patterson »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #288 on: August 02, 2008, 09:02:11 PM »
Sir Les offered help to the Zach because this retard Timelord was getting stuck into him, and Timelord and this other 'tard tried to get Zach committed. Then the T-shirt saga happened, which to my knowledge was blown out of all proportion and could have been easily fixed by him ignoring the hollow threat and producing them anyway. The message on the shirt was not breach of copyright, because it was a political statement voicing an opinion. It was his design. But he cracked the shits when help was offered, and Sir Les tried to get things sorted out.

I have seen Sir_Les post offering to write a letter to help Zach at AFF. Zach was obviously concerned because he saw an implicit threat in the offer that the letter would be abusive and Zach said he didn't want that. This is in the links Sir_Les posted at the start of this thread as his proof that he knows Zach and the reason for the axe he feels he must grind. Seems to me that Sir_Les is very sensitive to what he views as insufficient respect shown to him. Does this give Sir_Les the right to Troll after Zach? No. I think Sir_Les may be well advised to seek psychiatric counselling.

I personally think Zach should not have named Sir_Les in his blog, just as much as I think Sir_Les should not try bullying Zach simply because he feels slighted.

It seems it is not just Zach. A number of others appear to consider themselves to have been bullied or trolled by Sir_Les under that and two other names, I have since discovered. It is a repeating pattern similar to many Trolls.

Then you obviously decided to weigh in and stick your nose in where it wasn't wanted, and fucked the whole thing up. Now was that the smart thing to do? Was that the right thing to do?

Sir_Les should not have entered another Forum with the express intention to Troll a member of that forum. Zach has behaved himself well on Gestalt and I see it as my duty to him and to the forum to prevent an unprovoked (on Gestalt) attack on him. How arrogant are you people who think it right to go marching into other fora... and then whine when you are countered. Sir_Les even posted a link in this very thread to the post where he insulted Zach so that members of I2could sign up to watch the sport on Gestalt... at least one I2 member did exactly that.

I am one of the Admin at Gestalt. I was not sticking my nose into other people's business, it was Sir_Les who intruded himself. I PMed Sir_Les and he didn't think I was respectful enough to him. I advised him, as I would anybody out of duty, of the correct way to deal with the matter if he thought an Admin had been untoward or biased against him. Confident that I had not been those things, I went so far as to say that I would resign as an Admin if such a complaint found that I had been in that PM. Sir_Les made two complaints, first to the Forum Host and then to the Admins collectively about one PM I sent to him telling him not to hound Zach. This isn't because I favour Zach, but what I would do if ANY member of the forum appeared to be picked on by a possible Troll.

Was that the smart thing to do? I feel it was my duty as an Admin under the rules of that forum. Smartness or otherwise do not come into it.

Was it the right thing to do? Yes. I believe it was.

Now fuck off to your little slice of heaven while we think up some even nastier little things we can do to you.

Oh, give it your best shot.  :LMAO:


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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #289 on: August 02, 2008, 09:21:38 PM »
Nocturnalist: Go tell it to the mountain. Admin of a site, big fucking deal. You are doing exactly the same thing here, where there are no admins like yourself, as you claim Sir Les did on your poxy little site. So don't start the high and mighty tough guy bullshit around here, boy-o, cos it just ain't gonna wash. To me, Zach is nothing but a pissweak cowardly sook, and if he can't take a little help and contructive criticsm from someone who attempted to give a shit about him at first, then maybe he should have internet privileges taken off him; seeing as he seems like too much of a baby to cope. And while we are at it, you accuse Sir Les of trolling your pathetic little kingdom.... Why bother? If he wanted to troll you, he would have done a nastier fucking job of it had he wished, but checking on a member's whereabouts so he could offer advice is hardly 'trolling'. Besides, who died and left you in charge of the internet? If you want to cane people on your site, fine; just don't expect us to give a flying fuck about you here, dickhead.

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #290 on: August 02, 2008, 09:23:42 PM »
So I have said you don't "know" me and Odeon said "Do you "know" Zach"? My indications to show I "know" Zach must therefore conflict with telling you that you can not "know" me.
Getting better Nocti. Well Done! Before you start hi-fiving yourself and all, it still fails. It was better though.

You are using a word meant in a generalised way to mean the word in a specific way.

And there I was thinking you were using the word 'know' to indicate you know Zach from his posts in your post at the start of this thread... and are using the word 'know' in your disclaimer to indicate that I cannot possibly know you from your posts.

Your reply to this is just a big bluff... criticising my logic in quoting your word choice. And then completely side-stepping it without giving any answer whatsoever.

Hey, fancy footwork, Sir_Les. Phoney but fancy. :clap:

OK, you can generally know Zach from his posts but I cannot generally know you from your posts. I did not take that to mean you specifically knew Zach from his posts or I specifically knew you from yours ::) And I certainly did not take it to mean that you sexually knew Zach from his posts and I could sexually know you from your posts :LMAO:

So, are you going to make a straight rather than slippery reply?

Offline Nocturnalist!

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #291 on: August 02, 2008, 09:27:29 PM »
To me, Zach is nothing but a pissweak cowardly sook...

To me, Sir_Les is a cowardly bully boy with an overblown need for grovelling respect. :hahaha:

To me, The_Chosen_One is also a coward who can only express himself in a sort of impotent rage. :hahaha: I'm still waiting for your best shot :emb:
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 09:32:34 PM by Nocturnalist! »

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #292 on: August 02, 2008, 09:31:29 PM »

Now let's clarify something for the braindead out there. Sir Les offered help to the Zach because this retard Timelord was getting stuck into him, and Timelord and this other 'tard tried to get Zach committed.
:lies: ::) ::)

Les has been telling you lies oh chosen one.

Jun 25, 2008 at 06:44:57

I’ve blogged, Zach. Hope it’s what you wanted and not too negative. If I have time I’ll email Zazzle as well.

Don’t take your website down on account of certainly Rossco - he’s a cheap bully and always has been. The fact that he is tolerated and actually liked at AFF says a lot about the direction that site is taking now.

There are a number of people who insist that we fit in with the neurotypical world. No one has the right to insist on that. You have the right to be you. An ASD person, and proud to be so as well! There’s nothing wrong with it. Keep punching, Zach! Don’t let the bullies win!

Taken from one of Les's links. Timelord posting to TheZach,.

I notice Les didn't make any effort to correct this discrepancy in your post Chosen.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 09:34:58 PM by bob »


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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #293 on: August 02, 2008, 09:35:22 PM »
And to me, Nocturnalist is a failure pretending that he has some respect. Unfortunately for him, he has none in either real life or on the net. The only 'respect' he gets is stroking his morning wood upon waking. God knows, there isn't much left for him in his pathetic existence. Maybe he should visit his GP for a dose of barbiturates and a good Wiltshire knife - that way he could end all our misery in one session.

Go running for the shelter of your mother's little helper, just remember not to leave too big a stain on the living room rug, pet.

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #294 on: August 02, 2008, 09:36:44 PM »
Ah, the delightful smell of Intensity.

 :plus: all around.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #295 on: August 02, 2008, 09:38:49 PM »
And to me, Nocturnalist is a failure pretending that he has some respect. Unfortunately for him, he has none in either real life or on the net. The only 'respect' he gets is stroking his morning wood upon waking. God knows, there isn't much left for him in his pathetic existence. Maybe he should visit his GP for a dose of barbiturates and a good Wiltshire knife - that way he could end all our misery in one session.

Go running for the shelter of your mother's little helper, just remember not to leave too big a stain on the living room rug, pet.

Have you given me your best shot yet?

Now fuck off to your little slice of heaven while we think up some even nastier little things we can do to you.

I just kind of feel I'm still waiting for this, or is it really the case that you are as slow as you appear to be :LMAO:
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 09:41:33 PM by Nocturnalist! »


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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #296 on: August 02, 2008, 09:41:44 PM »

Now let's clarify something for the braindead out there. Sir Les offered help to the Zach because this retard Timelord was getting stuck into him, and Timelord and this other 'tard tried to get Zach committed.
:lies: ::) ::)

Les has been telling you lies oh chosen one.

Jun 25, 2008 at 06:44:57

I’ve blogged, Zach. Hope it’s what you wanted and not too negative. If I have time I’ll email Zazzle as well.

Don’t take your website down on account of certainly Rossco - he’s a cheap bully and always has been. The fact that he is tolerated and actually liked at AFF says a lot about the direction that site is taking now.

There are a number of people who insist that we fit in with the neurotypical world. No one has the right to insist on that. You have the right to be you. An ASD person, and proud to be so as well! There’s nothing wrong with it. Keep punching, Zach! Don’t let the bullies win!

Taken from one of Les's links. Timelord posting to TheZach,.

I notice Les didn't make any effort to correct this discrepancy in your post Chosen.

Bullshit. What was posted on AFF differs from your made up blog, and I have it from a reliable source (tenaciouscj) that What Timelord and this other dude were up to is fact. Also, Sir Les (rossco) explained it all to tenaciouscj who passed it on to me (don't start with this heresay shit, because it ain't gonna work - I believe them) and Zach is full of shit. If he wants to parade around like a ducking prima-donna, and have fuckwits like you kissing his arse and sucking his dick, then he can have you. Meanwhile, Sir Les and I will feel safe in the knowledge of who really is right. And it ain't you.

Oh, and Crocturdnalist, no, I haven't started yet. I'm only getting warmed up. You, however, are fading into obscurity like the pissweak little whining prat you are. Did your dad ever smack you for givbing him the shits while he was checking the form guide? No? Oh, that's right, you fairies don't believe in discipline such as corporal punishment. Maybe a good clip around the ear-hole would have knocked some sense into that addled brain of yours. But then again, I guess maybe that might not even work, given that we'd have trouble finding a brain inside that cavernous skull of yours.

Just remember, Nocti ol' geezer; suicide is painless, as Loudon Wainwright III sang. And nothing cuts better than a Wiltshire.....
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 09:49:59 PM by The_Chosen_One »

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #297 on: August 02, 2008, 09:49:43 PM »
Yeah I know him. He is 22 going on 8. He is a little punk. He needs an arse-kicking and my size 10s need a workout.

This was an AFF thread where he got all butthurt. I still do not know what he was saying I did or why I am the cause of him having to pull his site down.


THis is what he put on his blog about me:


This is his sole contribution to Zomgaspies:


Now he is lurking here.

It's not hearsay shit. Taken from aspie web.


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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #298 on: August 02, 2008, 09:53:21 PM »
Who fucking cares, dipshit? The guy is a fuckwit, and deserves whatever he gets. Why you are even bothering to stick up for this loser is beyond even the slightest. If I were you, I'd concentrate more on worrying about your next tax return that focussing on a poor, retarded little gimp like TheZach.

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #299 on: August 02, 2008, 09:56:28 PM »

Bullshit. What was posted on AFF differs from your made up blog, and I have it from a reliable source (tenaciouscj) that What Timelord and this other dude were up to is fact. Also, Sir Les (rossco) explained it all to tenaciouscj who passed it on to me (don't start with this heresay shit, because it ain't gonna work - I believe them) and Zach is full of shit. If he wants to parade around like a ducking prima-donna, and have fuckwits like you kissing his arse and sucking his dick, then he can have you. Meanwhile, Sir Les and I will feel safe in the knowledge of who really is right. And it ain't you.

I'm starting to feel sorry for you, your 'mates' ::) are making a mug out of you.

So you heard it third hand from tenaciousj   ::) tenaciousj is an idiot, completely and utterly. Also hearing third hand through in a typed post on the internet..... where's your proof mate. Your friends are taking you for a ride.