Sir Les offered help to the Zach because this retard Timelord was getting stuck into him, and Timelord and this other 'tard tried to get Zach committed. Then the T-shirt saga happened, which to my knowledge was blown out of all proportion and could have been easily fixed by him ignoring the hollow threat and producing them anyway. The message on the shirt was not breach of copyright, because it was a political statement voicing an opinion. It was his design. But he cracked the shits when help was offered, and Sir Les tried to get things sorted out.
I have seen Sir_Les post offering to write a letter to
help Zach at AFF. Zach was obviously concerned because he saw an implicit threat in the offer that the letter would be abusive and Zach said he didn't want that. This is in the links Sir_Les posted at the start of this thread as his proof that he knows Zach and the reason for the axe he feels he must grind. Seems to me that Sir_Les is very sensitive to what he views as insufficient respect shown to him. Does this give Sir_Les the right to Troll after Zach? No. I think Sir_Les may be well advised to seek psychiatric counselling.
I personally think Zach should not have named Sir_Les in his blog, just as much as I think Sir_Les should not try bullying Zach simply because he feels slighted.
It seems it is not just Zach. A number of others appear to consider themselves to have been bullied or trolled by Sir_Les under that and two other names, I have since discovered. It is a repeating pattern similar to many Trolls.
Then you obviously decided to weigh in and stick your nose in where it wasn't wanted, and fucked the whole thing up. Now was that the smart thing to do? Was that the right thing to do?
Sir_Les should not have entered another Forum with the express intention to Troll a member of that forum. Zach has behaved himself well on Gestalt and I see it as my duty to him and to the forum to prevent an unprovoked (on Gestalt) attack on him. How arrogant are you people who think it right to go marching into other fora... and then whine when you are countered. Sir_Les even posted a link in this very thread to the post where he insulted Zach so that members of I2could sign up to watch the sport on Gestalt... at least one I2 member did exactly that.
I am one of the Admin at Gestalt. I was not sticking my nose into other people's business, it was Sir_Les who intruded himself. I PMed Sir_Les and he didn't think I was respectful enough to him. I advised him, as I would anybody out of duty, of the correct way to deal with the matter if he thought an Admin had been untoward or biased against him. Confident that I had not been those things, I went so far as to say that I would resign as an Admin if such a complaint found that I had been in that PM. Sir_Les made two complaints, first to the Forum Host and then to the Admins collectively about one PM I sent to him telling him not to hound Zach. This isn't because I favour Zach, but what I would do if ANY member of the forum appeared to be picked on by a possible Troll.
Was that the smart thing to do? I feel it was my duty as an Admin under the rules of that forum. Smartness or otherwise do not come into it.
Was it the right thing to do? Yes. I believe it was.
Now fuck off to your little slice of heaven while we think up some even nastier little things we can do to you.
Oh, give it your best shot.