You obviously have a lonely life perusing poxy shites.. er sites like Gestalt and Delphi, and then trying to flame someone here who goesn't give a flying fuck about you in the slightest. Now why don't you crawl back into that pile of overcoats in your closet like a good little drama queen and leave the argument to those of us that give a shit.
Do you normally talk about things you don't know anything about? You insult Gestalt, all the while admitting you've never even been there. Tongue runneth before Thought thinketh, eh?

You also assume you know Noc without knowing him. --Oh no wait, I'm sorry, I forgot: the purpose of I2's Main Event subforum is to place Insult & Profanity before Reason... my bad, sorry, go back to what you were doing. Because who knows, if you get enough practice at it you could always get onto Jerry Springer or something, the apex of home entertainment and the greatest aspiration of many a troglodyte. --After all, who wants to see a World Championship Chess match when you could watch the WWF? Finesse, skill? What's that to a good folding chair across the back and a razor in the hand? Plus men in funny colored tights... that just
screams "refinement".

--As an aside, just out of sheer contempt, we've tried to make Gestalt NOTHING like WP btw, 'cause I saw what WP was and is today and know that's not what I want Gestalt to be. Gestalt isn't a perfect site and it isn't for everybody (obviously), but then what site is? I just like to think it fills a niche that perhaps other forums don't, just like I2 does.
AND it's a site which, believe it or not, Noc, Sir Les, AND Zach all somehow manage to post on without ripping each other to shreds-- beyond the obvious problems over Sir Les' initial posts that somewhat snowballed from there; and I2 has helped to get some of that out in the open I think. But it's not a large site, which means you can't just easily ignore people like you can on sites like WP due to sheer volume.
Anyways, sorry for not continuing to throw snarky insulting inuendos into my post. I started off so strong but then fizzled out talking about things like Sense and Compassion. My sincerest apologies.
Anywho... ***goes back to drinking beer and having some pie***
***hands a piece of pie to bob***
NOTE: I'll be setting up a cyber BBQ and buffet table later on if this party's still going.

Food, friends (-ish), and beer: what could be better? I mean, except for adding in sex, but I'll leave that for the mature forum...