Have you lost the faculty of language there?

I have no problems whatsoever if I am to be called Sophist's underling by somebody like IntensitySquared's Patron or you. She is a friend of mine and I don't feel in the least bit threatened by it. I was simply referencing some of the words you PMed to me, Sir_Les. Am I supposed to be embarrassed about
your words? Projection again perhaps... I can understand why you'd be ashamed of those words

I do not consider myself a 'man'. It is not a word I am comfortable using of myself. So long as Sophist doesn't find it offensive, as far as maturity of attitude is concerned, it may very well be true to say she is more of a 'man' than I am. I do not consider myself to be a 'man'. Male, but not a 'man'. I would imagine lots of people, both male and female, are more of a 'man' then I am.
So, are you going to be 'man' enough to answer what I earlier asked you about knowing people by their posts, or continue to side step it like the coward you are?

When asked by Odeon early in this thread if Sir_Les knows Zach...
Yeah I know him. He is 22 going on 8. He is a little punk. He needs an arse-kicking and my size 10s need a workout.
Sir_Les then produces the links to a load of posts as proof that he
knows Zach. You can see the post on the first page of this thread, I'm fine with him giving posts as evidence that he knows somebody online from their posts.
However, currently on Gestalt he is hypocritically insisting that people cannot possibly know him (the
great Sir_Les) by the posts
he himself makes.
He currently has a little 'disclaimer' in his signature on all his posts at Gestalt which includes the line...
This single post nor a handful of posts in isolation is not going to allow you to know me (the author) and it is no slight on intellect to suggest so. It is like "knowing" what it is to be an orphan after reading "Oliver Twist"
It is his way of whining that I cannot have a go at him because I cannot actually know what poor Diddums realy is like just from his posts.
So which way is it, Sir_Les... since you can't seem to pull yourself away from this your thread. Can somebody know enough about a person from posts to make a judgement on their character or, if I cannot in
your case, how can you make judgements about Zach or myself based merely upon our posts?
Do you imagine you have powers of insight that mere mortals do not have, perhaps?

You seem to have one standard for yourself and a different standard for other's Sir_Les. Or are you simply very fond of dancing the twist?

I think Sir_Les cannot help but project his own character on others as a way of disowning the pathetic character he is in real life.