We have been kicked off or shunned from most reasonable establishments online and are the rejects of the ASD community.
Yes, that seems to be the easy badge of
virtue here. I'm just surprised somebody as hyper-sensitive as you dares to even post in this forum. It must be difficult hiding your sensitivity, or do you find it an easy gig? Maybe the latter when the people impressed by you are the likes of 'The Chosen One'... not exactly the brightest tool in the box

Zach refused your offer to help. OK, so what is the problem for somebody who is thick skinned? Seems a little matter, yet it seemed to get your goat well and truly and prompted you to go after him - look at this thread you started here

I stepped in quicker than you expected when you tried to have a little Troll at Zach on Gestalt... you brushed it off here simply saying I laid it on a little thick... but, in reality you were so very upset you complained about me twice to the other Admin at Gestalt for what you saw as my supposed lack of respect for you. I think that was pretty thin skinned, especially since I was perfectly correct about your motivations... and you offered no mention of that in this thread even though you seemed keen that others here be able to see your public sport.
Somebody with thick skin would surely have not got so upset with Zach, and may have held up their hands and admitted it was a fair cop when caught out by me. Alas, these things obviously hurt your flimsy ego.
So I have mercy on your incredibly thin skin... I let you go.