I know Sir-Les from AI and he means well, just is still feeling his way into good flame wars. It's an artform, you must admit! 
Nah, this is a minor skirmish and not a flame war

I was once in a big flame war on Delphi forums back in the mid 1990s involving a large number of fora, I got badly burned... a lot of people did. Trouble with me is I have a weak stomach when it comes to this sort of thing - I don't particularly enjoy it beyond blowing off a bit of steam at a Troll

I don't mind whether or not I'm seen as giving better than I get or not, I just started feeling cruel, as if picking on somebody weaker than me, and I didn't like that feeling.
I thought I'd get punched up more than this, I thought that Sir_Les would have others here who would quickly wade on in with him on his side. The match just seems too uneven, and now others are getting on Sir_Les' case which just makes it worse. I didn't invite anybody over here and don't know about Bob beyond what I've read today.
I guess I just don't find him personally offensive enough for me to remain interested in this for long

If Bob or anybody else want a slice of him, be my guest.