Author Topic: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.  (Read 32456 times)

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #210 on: July 30, 2008, 06:49:23 PM »
By saying he hasn't done anything to deserve your respect just means he succeeded in dragging you down to his level. Well done!  :green:

You'd be correct except that you are working on the presumption I was on a higher level than Sir_Les in the first place. On what could you possibly base that presumption upon? :roses: I thought Sir_Les was an established member here and thought much more highly of than a relative newbie. Or perhaps you are meaning that Sir_Les is sinking to my level :green: I don't think anybody is below his or her own level in this. Strikes me this part of the forum is set up for this sort of thing.

My standard response to somebody I see as a confirmed bully or a troll is to fight them - the ole red rag to a bull thing. Maybe part of it is to try and give them a taste of what I see as their own medicine dealt out to others... but I always know that they will probably quickly get the better of me, I'm not much of a match for them. Especially when others join in. If they join in on my side, I dislike mobs and feel uncomfortable, and if on their side, I quickly get good and stung. Hah, how stupid am I. Truly thick, especially since sooner or later I start to think of the person rather than the behaviour and get kind of sick of what I, myself, am perhaps doing to them.

Boy am I in the wrong forum :hair:

No your not, your doing very well, IMHO and giving twice as well as you are getting!   :thumbup:  :plus:  I know Sir-Les from AI and he means well, just is still feeling his way into good flame wars.  It's an artform, you must admit!   8)

He is a master flamer and bully. He was trying to pick a fight with a 22 year old. Step in the ring  ::) ::) How pathetic and sad. It is an artform - one that Sir Les takes pride in practicing regularly, but he knows to choose weaker opponents.

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #211 on: July 30, 2008, 06:54:42 PM »
Bob what has Sir Les done to you to make you so  bitter   toward him please share it.  It could be fun
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #212 on: July 30, 2008, 07:15:11 PM »
I know Sir-Les from AI and he means well, just is still feeling his way into good flame wars.  It's an artform, you must admit!   8)

Nah, this is a minor skirmish and not a flame war ;D I was once in a big flame war on Delphi forums back in the mid 1990s involving a large number of fora, I got badly burned... a lot of people did. Trouble with me is I have a weak stomach when it comes to this sort of thing - I don't particularly enjoy it beyond blowing off a bit of steam at a Troll :eyebrows: I don't mind whether or not I'm seen as giving better than I get or not, I just started feeling cruel, as if picking on somebody weaker than me, and I didn't like that feeling.

I thought I'd get punched up more than this, I thought that Sir_Les would have others here who would quickly wade on in with him on his side. The match just seems too uneven, and now others are getting on Sir_Les' case which just makes it worse. I didn't invite anybody over here and don't know about Bob beyond what I've read today.

I guess I just don't find him personally offensive enough for me to remain interested in this for long :yawn: If Bob or anybody else want a slice of him, be my guest. :smashviolin:

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #213 on: July 30, 2008, 07:46:38 PM »
nah, think I will give it a miss.

I'm not really a one to pick on someone sadder than me either.

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #214 on: July 30, 2008, 08:32:38 PM »
nah, think I will give it a miss.

I think that would probably be for the best, Bob :green: Enjoy the rest of the forum.

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #215 on: July 30, 2008, 10:11:15 PM »
By saying he hasn't done anything to deserve your respect just means he succeeded in dragging you down to his level. Well done!  :green:

You'd be correct except that you are working on the presumption I was on a higher level than Sir_Les in the first place. On what could you possibly base that presumption upon? :roses: I thought Sir_Les was an established member here and thought much more highly of than a relative newbie. Or perhaps you are meaning that Sir_Les is sinking to my level :green: I don't think anybody is below his or her own level in this. Strikes me this part of the forum is set up for this sort of thing.

My standard response to somebody I see as a confirmed bully or a troll is to fight them - the ole red rag to a bull thing. Maybe part of it is to try and give them a taste of what I see as their own medicine dealt out to others... but I always know that they will probably quickly get the better of me, I'm not much of a match for them. Especially when others join in. If they join in on my side, I dislike mobs and feel uncomfortable, and if on their side, I quickly get good and stung. Hah, how stupid am I. Truly thick, especially since sooner or later I start to think of the person rather than the behaviour and get kind of sick of what I, myself, am perhaps doing to them.

Boy am I in the wrong forum :hair:

No your not, your doing very well, IMHO and giving twice as well as you are getting!   :thumbup:  :plus:  I know Sir-Les from AI and he means well, just is still feeling his way into good flame wars.  It's an artform, you must admit!   8)

He is a master flamer and bully. He was trying to pick a fight with a 22 year old. Step in the ring  ::) ::) How pathetic and sad. It is an artform - one that Sir Les takes pride in practicing regularly, but he knows to choose weaker opponents.

Bob you bring up me "attacking" a 22 year old. Now apart from the fact that he and I were having a mutual disagreement and not one attacking the other more than the other. (Though I must admit I did not put shit on any site I owned about him), you bring up the fact he is 22? So what? Ask Hadron or PMSElle their age. Go on. At 22 he is recognised as a man and I can't expect I ought to take that into consideration surely?

A "master" flamer? Why thank you for the endorsement. Choosing weaker opponents? Who measures that? In who's reckoning? I am not so bad Bob, am I?

So I tell you what as you have so much knowledge o me, how about you unmask yourself. I am betting there is another username somewhere there. Someone I don't know in real life and someone who likes to hide behind a random name. Go on see if you are more than the coward you appear.  :hahaha:
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #216 on: July 31, 2008, 08:50:53 AM »
No your not, your doing very well, IMHO and giving twice as well as you are getting!   :thumbup:  :plus:  I know Sir-Les from AI and he means well, just is still feeling his way into good flame wars.  It's an artform, you must admit!   8)

Wow Ozy! You really think so? You don't know what a compliment like that must have to Nocturnalist. See I may actually read things a “little bit” differently.

Think how he got the compliment and how he behaved after and what came before. See this is how I read things (Edited version):................

By saying he hasn't done anything to deserve your respect just means he succeeded in dragging you down to his level. Well done!  :green:

You'd be correct except that you are working on the presumption........[ :blah: then rambles inanely for a while about fuck all]
My standard response to somebody I see as a confirmed bully or a troll [He hasn't made a case for either being so in this case but the word “confirmed” gives it credibility, to make up for what he lacks] is to fight them - the ole red rag to a bull thing..... [ :blah: He loves the tough guy image. It  crops up a bit – as you will see] I quickly get good and stung. Hah, how stupid am........[  :blah: Tough guy rhetoric mingled with liberal doses of good old self depreciation]

Boy am I in the wrong forum [This is a plea. “Please someone say I am in the right forum and contradict me”]

Did well too in throwing him a bone to chew on. Next thing he is metaphorically lying on his back with his legs apart and his nuts exposed trying to entice you to rub his tummy and love him

I know Sir-Les from AI and he means well, just is still feeling his way into good flame wars.  It's an artform, you must admit!   8)

Nah, this is a minor skirmish ....[Oh skirmish, I thought it was footsies?]....and not a flame war ;D I was once in a big flame war..... [ :blah: not just a tough guy a veteran soldier. The GI Joe of Internerds and a force to be reckoned with. He hopes with a courageous history like that how can Ozy not feel proud of him.......and therefore rub his tummy] I got badly burned... [ :blah: not what you told me... were telling me the tough guy version of giving it to a vile troll...I was impressed and crap. I think though you had different motivation telling the story so the version had to change. Kinda ....hmmm....” duplicitous”. Where have I seen that word recently? It will come to me]  beyond blowing off a bit of steam at a Troll :eyebrows: I don't mind whether or not I'm seen as giving better than I get .....[ :blah: Tough guy again]

I thought that Sir_Les would have others here who would quickly wade on in with him on his side[Like I want that? Shows what he knows about this place]
. The match just seems too uneven.... [ :blah: That is because a tough guy]:

Got to Love a Tough guy. Of course he is humble modest and self-depreciating too, which is adorable.
Oh I give up...Come here Nocti. Let me rub that big round bald head of yours and pat your tummy. How could anyone stay angry at something so utterly useless?
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #217 on: July 31, 2008, 09:49:34 AM »
Well, Sir_Les, its up to you to sting me into action again if you really want more, so I don't continue finding pity for you. I simply don't have the stomach for much of this sort of thing when I start viewing the other party as so very much less able.

See, I knew you'd find all those puns on your name too irresistible, but I'm not sadistic enough by nature to kick a Troll when he's down.

I can see why you might think I was getting at you again in the above post, but I was just speaking my mind in all honesty (though not sparing your blushes perhaps), just as honest as when I wish anybody get well wishes (not just you, but anybody). I really and honestly do see you as too weak for this. Sorry about that.

You must be careful to stop projecting yourself onto others, otherwise you'll get absolutely nowhere trying to figure others out :green:
« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 10:19:57 AM by Nocturnalist! »

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #218 on: July 31, 2008, 03:11:16 PM »
Bob, another n00b with no credentials but with a score to settle?

They're the best kind.

The most boring kind, because they always fail to explain why their causes are righteous in the first place. :yawn:
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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #219 on: July 31, 2008, 04:56:03 PM »
I must be the only one who's drinking the beer then... All the more for me!!!  :laugh:

***sits back and continues to watch the show, beer in hand***



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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #220 on: July 31, 2008, 04:56:56 PM »
No your not, your doing very well, IMHO and giving twice as well as you are getting!   :thumbup:  :plus:  I know Sir-Les from AI and he means well, just is still feeling his way into good flame wars.  It's an artform, you must admit!   8)

Wow Ozy! You really think so? You don't know what a compliment like that must have to Nocturnalist. See I may actually read things a “little bit” differently.

Think how he got the compliment and how he behaved after and what came before. See this is how I read things (Edited version):................

By saying he hasn't done anything to deserve your respect just means he succeeded in dragging you down to his level. Well done!  :green:

You'd be correct except that you are working on the presumption........[ :blah: then rambles inanely for a while about fuck all]
My standard response to somebody I see as a confirmed bully or a troll [He hasn't made a case for either being so in this case but the word “confirmed” gives it credibility, to make up for what he lacks] is to fight them - the ole red rag to a bull thing..... [ :blah: He loves the tough guy image. It  crops up a bit – as you will see] I quickly get good and stung. Hah, how stupid am........[  :blah: Tough guy rhetoric mingled with liberal doses of good old self depreciation]

Boy am I in the wrong forum [This is a plea. “Please someone say I am in the right forum and contradict me”]

Did well too in throwing him a bone to chew on. Next thing he is metaphorically lying on his back with his legs apart and his nuts exposed trying to entice you to rub his tummy and love him

I know Sir-Les from AI and he means well, just is still feeling his way into good flame wars.  It's an artform, you must admit!   8)

Nah, this is a minor skirmish ....[Oh skirmish, I thought it was footsies?]....and not a flame war ;D I was once in a big flame war..... [ :blah: not just a tough guy a veteran soldier. The GI Joe of Internerds and a force to be reckoned with. He hopes with a courageous history like that how can Ozy not feel proud of him.......and therefore rub his tummy] I got badly burned... [ :blah: not what you told me... were telling me the tough guy version of giving it to a vile troll...I was impressed and crap. I think though you had different motivation telling the story so the version had to change. Kinda ....hmmm....” duplicitous”. Where have I seen that word recently? It will come to me]  beyond blowing off a bit of steam at a Troll :eyebrows: I don't mind whether or not I'm seen as giving better than I get .....[ :blah: Tough guy again]

I thought that Sir_Les would have others here who would quickly wade on in with him on his side[Like I want that? Shows what he knows about this place]
. The match just seems too uneven.... [ :blah: That is because a tough guy]:

Got to Love a Tough guy. Of course he is humble modest and self-depreciating too, which is adorable.
Oh I give up...Come here Nocti. Let me rub that big round bald head of yours and pat your tummy. How could anyone stay angry at something so utterly useless?

Sir_Les, you misread me, I like you with a degree of respect, but, I don't see your points a lot of the time.  So, I'll keep my piehole shut in regards  to your opinions in the future.

Have a good life!


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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #221 on: July 31, 2008, 05:01:51 PM »
Mmmmmmm......... pie...........  :drool:


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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #222 on: July 31, 2008, 05:03:08 PM »
I know Sir-Les from AI and he means well, just is still feeling his way into good flame wars.  It's an artform, you must admit!   8)

Nah, this is a minor skirmish and not a flame war ;D I was once in a big flame war on Delphi forums back in the mid 1990s involving a large number of fora, I got badly burned... a lot of people did. Trouble with me is I have a weak stomach when it comes to this sort of thing - I don't particularly enjoy it beyond blowing off a bit of steam at a Troll :eyebrows: I don't mind whether or not I'm seen as giving better than I get or not, I just started feeling cruel, as if picking on somebody weaker than me, and I didn't like that feeling.

I thought I'd get punched up more than this, I thought that Sir_Les would have others here who would quickly wade on in with him on his side. The match just seems too uneven, and now others are getting on Sir_Les' case which just makes it worse. I didn't invite anybody over here and don't know about Bob beyond what I've read today.

I guess I just don't find him personally offensive enough for me to remain interested in this for long :yawn: If Bob or anybody else want a slice of him, be my guest. :smashviolin:

Ok,  I'm just so out of the loop as to all the reasons for such anger/angst and rage.  So, I'm pulling myself more and more everyday from dealing with it.  I'm back on AFF in a very limited basis, but, not emotionally attached to any of the drama as I see it spread out before me.  

As for Delphi Forums, that is another story and both my wife and I have washed our hands of that place forever and ever.  When my wife got flamed for posting the positives about being married to an aspie like me, she was viciously and brutally attacked by MamaMarsh and several others.   There is just so much more to life than this or that!


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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #223 on: July 31, 2008, 09:25:46 PM »
As for Delphi Forums, that is another story and both my wife and I have washed our hands of that place forever and ever.  When my wife got flamed for posting the positives about being married to an aspie like me, she was viciously and brutally attacked by MamaMarsh and several others.

Yikes. The 'AS Partners' forum... that place is corrosive :o Yes, that lot wouldn't stand for anybody being positive about being married to an Aspie.

There are good fora on Delphi, but it can be volatile. Several fora were involved in the big flame war I was in on Delphi. A particularly nasty troll started it (In some fora he posed as a councillor and got vulnerable women to share sexual secrets with him, and on another occasion he pretended to have cancer when exposed as a Troll on a forum, and then asked people for money to help him... most of the time he just caused trouble and baited people then pleaded that he would change his ways and that he just needed people to be fair to him). The troll was dealt with eventually after Delphi officials stepped in, but flame wars like that don't end when the troll goes, they continue and are in many ways worse for lack of direction. Friends turned on friends in the aftermath, newbies were IDed mostly wrongly as the troll coming back and several fora didn't survive it including my home forum. The troll was called Russwords. It was a directionless self-appointed vigilante group that gave me the most trouble though - Russwords was gone and they ran amok.

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #224 on: July 31, 2008, 11:10:15 PM »
Mmmmmmm......... pie...........  :drool:

Can I have some, I'm hungry.
Sorry to disappoint Odeon.  :)