By saying he hasn't done anything to deserve your respect just means he succeeded in dragging you down to his level. Well done! 
You'd be correct except that you are working on the presumption I was on a higher level than Sir_Les in the first place. On what could you possibly base that presumption upon?
I thought Sir_Les was an established member here and thought much more highly of than a relative newbie. Or perhaps you are meaning that Sir_Les is sinking to my level
I don't think anybody is below his or her own level in this. Strikes me this part of the forum is set up for this sort of thing.
My standard response to somebody I see as a confirmed bully or a troll is to fight them - the ole red rag to a bull thing. Maybe part of it is to try and give them a taste of what I see as their own medicine dealt out to others... but I always know that they will probably quickly get the better of me, I'm not much of a match for them. Especially when others join in. If they join in on my side, I dislike mobs and feel uncomfortable, and if on their side, I quickly get good and stung. Hah, how stupid am I. Truly thick, especially since sooner or later I start to think of the person rather than the behaviour and get kind of sick of what I, myself, am perhaps doing to them.
Boy am I in the wrong forum 
You aren't doing anything to me Nocturnalist. Least ways anything you ought to feel that impacts on my delicate sensibilities.
You were just boring me by rehashing the same canned insults and peppering them with emoticons to try and present it as meaningful. It wasn't. I got tired of it after a while.
Your initial posts presented your "big points" and they were presented as fact and found not to be. Basically every claim you made of knowing the reasoning, the situation or me for that matter, has showed otherwise and you then revert to the "Poor Sir_Les, "Diddums" [insert emoticon] bet he is upset....Hahaha" Kinda weak, really. It doesn't phase me much at all.
As for your bully claim? We both had history so that kinda blows the basing confirmation of bully on me. It sounds like you are trying again to use the word "confirm" to mean proved. I have yet to see this proved.
But then this seems to be your way IF we look at your posts here as a guide. You seem to want to hold on to your version of what happen and who was what and who am I to stand in the way of other's delusions. I think it is an affront to your pride and intelligence (therefore self-worth) to suggest you were wrong and you wasted your time with this in your righteous enthusiasm to prove otherwise. You are still nowhere close to showing what an Earth you are claiming.
Don't worry about me or that you're a concern to me. If you have something meaningful I say just get it out there. I thought you had just delegated yourself to saying..."Well that's what I think about nasty Les anyhow"
Bob in his vague assertions at present looks more assertive
Hope this helps