I'm not gonna go into the whole Gestalt thing here, just because that would take more time and effort than I feel like giving it at the moment.
But as far as the earlier Zach/Sir Less boxing match on AFF, frankly from an observer's POV it seemed like you were both being pretty short-sided in continuing to argue with each other. No matter how many times the other said, "Let's stop this arguing", he
had to get in a last dig-- which of course baited the other one into responding... so it just went on... and on... and on.... So I felt like thwacking BOTH of you up side the head with frying pans.

Sir Les, you are obviously more personable and easier to get along with initially.
From what I know of him now, Zach seems to be a nice guy, just definitely more reserved and more defensive. Why do I think this? Because it's nice to give people second chances. My first encounter with Zach, he told me to basically fuck off and go take my meds. But I got over it, and have discovered, while reserved like I said, he's not a bad guy.
And in the meantime, why are we arguing again? I've completely forgotten, it's all so silly. Wouldn't it be easier to pull up some stools, sing some pub songs, have some cyber-drinks and just get smashed???