Hah, looks like I'm not the only one with problems about being concise. The whinging bully-boy speaks openly for once.

Aw did it rain on Diddums' parade... poor Diddums.

Was Zach awfully unfair to you... poor Diddums, no wonder you started a whole thread here to 'call him out'

Hey, guess what, I'm not sensitive about what you think of my IQ... I couldn't give two figs. I don't happen to think IQ tests are a very good way to measure intelligence anyway

When I took the 11+ IQ test at school, I was scored with an IQ a little lower than the average radish. The school had me take it twice more because the IQ score was so low... I think it was somewhere in the IQ teens. Yes, I've taken later tests, and I'm also amazed I scored so highly. I always feel particularly stupid in relation to how bright I'm supposed to be.

I wasn't meaning that Zach wasn't lurking. I haven't checked the member list, but its obvious you thought that was what he was doing here, from posts in this thread. However, he didn't post to this forum (I do not think he has made one single post here) though he didn't need to join to lurk... this thread is viewable by non-members... he didn't make his presence felt by posting. Little wonder I'm so upsetting to you if Zach upsets you also. Poor sensitive Diddums

You suggested it [the complaint] and have a problem [with me] doing what YOU suggested.
Sorry, needed to brush up the English... I didn't wish to quote too much of you just enough for the gist. Hope you don't mind the additions in square brackets.
I have absolutely no problem with you complaining about me, Sir_Les. I just have a problem with you brushing the whole matter off here as if nothing, and yet blowing up a hoo har of whinging behind the scenes at Gestalt. I have a problem with duplicitous cowards and bullies and hiding things away from public view. I didn't suggest you should complain about me, I simply told you the right procedure
IF you felt you had a legitimate complaint about an Admin. I knew full well that I had not given you a legitimate reason to complain. But you complained anyway... twice. Once to the site owner and the second time to the Admins collectively. I also offered that
IF I was found to have been untoward or biased against you, then I would step down as an Admin. The site owner didn't find me 'untoward' or 'biased against you' in my second Administrative PM, but thought I had misread your second post... so you took that as sufficient to suggest I step down as an Admin or live with my
guilt, until she clarified for you. Then in your second complaint about the same PM, when it didn't go your way, you whinged about how unfair the Admins were because they didn't find me guilty. News Flash for you... I wasn't guilty of what you complained about. Get over it.
You are utterly pathetic. I'm probably utterly pathetic also - it won't have been the first time.

So, Zach made a mistake in his research. Well who made you a policeman - how many blogs have you read? Does Diddum expect blogs to be the Encyclopedia Britannica of the internet?

So Zach didn't want your help because he thought you were going to be abusive and thought that unhelpful. Oh poor wronged little Diddums... you've certainly proved him correct about you, haven't you. I'm not posting in this thread to support Zach. You mentioned
ME in this thread before I even became a member here... I even adopted the mis-name you gave me, 'Nocturnalist'. So I decided to stand up and say, 'Yes, here I am' in this thread. Does Diddums feel so very threatened by this? I realised you might wade on in, but I would have been just as happy if you hadn't.
Ah, the almighty call out. Well everybody everywhere ought to be
duty bound to respond to a call out on Intensity Squared... oh naughty Zach for not doing so. I think he was a wiser person than I for not wading in here. But then, I'm a rather direct bull in a china shop. That's why I sometimes call myself a 'Bulldog'... though I didn't use that term to you. Not because I am tough like the 'Rottweiler of AFF' (although he is far from tough himself) but because I'm too dumb to know when to let things go. Bulldogs are known for clamping their jaws and being unable to let things drop. Hey, I hold up my hands and admit it. Once engaged I'm a stupid dumb ole bulldog, not able to let things drop. You saw it as boasting, as far as I am concerned it is admitting a flaw in my personality.

So, Zach didn't respond to the 'Call Out' here that he saw as a lurker, oh you poor sweet soul. What malfunctioning brain cell in your skull made you believe Zach would respond to notification if at Gestalt? Not particularly likely, is it Sir_Lurchalot. Nah, you didn't come across to Gestalt thinking he would respond to the
call, you came over to make sport of him and you had no right whatsoever to do that.

You honestly think that when Zach said 'no' to your request to help him, that this gross impertinence gave you the right to make sport of him? Oh and when this disrespectful and ignorant person that I am was a bit firm about stopping you... oh how that must have stung your indignation, the agonising lack of respect for your dear sweet person. How very dare me do my duty in the face of your worshipfullness. What an awful person I must be.

You complete and utter twit. Surely you had enough sense to realise somebody in the Admin team would stop you picking on Zach. I guess I was just too quick off the mark because I've seen your type often before... though seldom one as pathetic as you are. Even trollers usually have bigger rocks in their panties.