I am not saying you are not intelligent nor that you are unnecessarily whingey.
I couldn't give two hoots. Your motivations for going over to Gestalt are as plain as the rather large nose on my face, it ain't rocket science, mate

You play tough, but speaking of whinging... you've done little but whinge behind the scenes where you cannot be seen by the majority of people. OK, I told you what to do if you felt you had a complaint about an Admin... that was what I saw as my duty. You've officially complained about me twice to my fellow Admins at Gestalt... saying how unfair and biased against you I have been (poor dear little Diddums)... even though I was anything but... I was completely correct about your motives for coming over to Gestalt... this thread itself is ample evidence - to bully and Troll Zach, yet you repeatedly whined about
ME not showing
YOU courtesy and respect

. Courtesy and Respect??? What on earth makes you presume you have earned
that? Talk about self-delusion.

Then you whimper some more when they did not agree with you,
oh how my heart bleeds for you 
. How completely pathetic! Hah, I laugh at the self-proclaimed/boasted 'Rottweiler of the AFF'.

I think you're just a cheap little bully-boy who wanted to put it about a bit on another forum and then posted a link (in this thread) for others here to go across and see the sport... and I spoiled that before anybody could see - so you whimpered and complained...
behind the scenes of course. I hold you in complete contempt and I think you are a completely pathetic individual. Now you're whimpering 'oh but you don't really know me'. Aw Diddums... that's a really tired old cliche. Bullies always complain that they are being treated unfairly all the while feeling free and lovely to treat others badly. Its their classic modus operandi.

Yes you squeak it up big here, but thats just one big play act. Playing to your audience - lol
Aww I don't really know Diddums. Poor Diddums. I certainly know why Diddums came over to Gestalt, to bait a member there. Diddums doesn't feel that not knowing
me stands in
his way, but somehow it should stand in mine... poor Diddums.

Aww Diddums didn't think I was courteous to Diddums. Poor widdle Diddums.

Aww Diddums thought I laid it on a bit thick when Diddums came over to a forum to bait one of its members and I stopped him. Oh poor darlin little ole Diddums. Oh my heart bleeds.

Aww Diddums didn't get anywhere much when he complained to the other Admins about how unfair I was to him. Poor poor Diddums. What a big unfair www it is.

Don't worry Sir_Les, I'm sure you're perfectly safe here

. I'm here alone. I'm sure there are plenty of folk in this place who mistake you for a stand up guy... you're great at pretending to be something you are not. I'm sure you have several mates here who will stand with you, just like they played mob Zach with you - tricky mobbing somebody who isn't here to defend himself... how
brave an attempt though

. Its really easy to be a mob when somebody is here. So go on Diddums give it your best shot.

Afterall, you called me the 'Resident blowhard' of Gestalt.

I am laughing at the cowardly Rottweiler of AFF. And I don't care in the least if this post is seen as uncool or laying it on thick or whatever. Fine, I may be a pathetic square and uncool person who lays it on thick, setting myself up as sport for the mob perhaps - so what! Maybe I'm a fool. I truly hate myself for many things... So go on, Sir_Loin, want a steak in a game of making sport of me?

Don't worry about being man enough for it, I'm easilly baited. Hey haven't I just completely set myself up for it?

So are you going to...
A)... Give it your best shot.
B)... Cop out.
C)... Pretend I'm not here.
D)... Run away.
E)... Continue to be duplitious.