Question............Why are we getting our knickers in a knot over lurkers?? I mean, keep calling them out, but, if they don't respond, they are obviously chicken shit and not worth the energy! 
Cos if people pick on them long enough, they might stay to make a response. Then they'll cop even more. It's like telemarketing.....
Over the years, I have seen many lurkers and most of them never post or respond in any way. I think they're a group that just likes to read or maybe they're people doing research or whatever. It used to bother me, but, now it doesn't. It just seems to be a fact of life on any message board! Many people sign up, but, never participate. There were a few hundred like that on AI. Not spambots either.
So what I'm saying is pick away to your hearts content, but, don't be surprised if they remain silent! I have no use for that type of member! Except for mindless amusement!