When I saw TimeLord banned at AFF, I felt considerably less guilty for banning him from AI. 
Don't feel at all sorry for him. Ask Callaway, the guy is not a nice bloke. I have court action against him next month. Hopefully it all goes well.
I had a vague feeling at the back of my mind about that, especially when I read his blog spot that pissed off LordPhlexor. But, I felt guilty for banning anyone, even StupidJerk, but, if push comes to shove, I did what I had to do. Sometimes, people just don't give me a choice in the matter. And thats what it all boiled down to, TimeLord gave me no choice!
Of course now that the Island is gone, the point is moot and better left on the rubbish heap of internet history.
Good luck with the court case, btw.