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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #165 on: July 29, 2008, 06:54:48 AM »
You were concise just then :P

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #166 on: July 29, 2008, 07:07:45 AM »
You were concise just then :P

Darn! :lol:

Heck I'm doing it again. You must be having a bad influence on me :green:

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #167 on: July 29, 2008, 07:59:46 AM »
I do so need a hug.

I couldn't give two hoots. Your motivations for going over to Gestalt are as plain as the rather large nose on my face, it ain't rocket science, mate ::)

Yeah I DID want to put a call out on TheZach and did want to find out where else he was. He had put shit about ME on some forums I wanted to see if he was doing the same and if he was starting crap generally (Which I guess you are well aware of and have factored in your knowledge of my motivations) I also wanted to have a stickybeak at Sophist's forum. I had written to her recently regarding whether she would help me with a problem a young man had been having with an organisation called Autism Speaks. She had been very nice. (Any idea who that young man I was trying to help out, Nocturnalist? That's right. The Zach. (Coyurse you knew this too because it it plain as the nose on your face...right?)  THeZach hadn't been  terribly badly behaved and had only made one stupid comment, it was the exact copy of the post he posted on Google that he did on AFF, after it had been showed to him there that his facts were wrong and the encouraging help and action from others was as misplaced as it was with the Autism Speaks fiasco. (Yeah you knew the background here too right?) I was (in my view) harsh but fair considering. I also made it clear on here that, that this was as much of what I was going to do. So how is that rocket science going?

You play tough, but speaking of whinging... you've done little but whinge behind the scenes where you cannot be seen by the majority of people. OK, I told you what to do if you felt you had a complaint about an Admin... that was what I saw as my duty. You've officially complained about me twice to my fellow Admins at Gestalt... saying how unfair and biased against you I have been (poor dear little Diddums)... even though I was anything but... I was completely correct about your motives for coming over to Gestalt... this thread itself is ample evidence - to bully and Troll Zach, yet you repeatedly whined about ME not showing YOU courtesy and respect ::). Courtesy and Respect??? What on earth makes you presume you have earned that? Talk about self-delusion. :LMAO:

I play tough? Right whatever.
I whinge behind the scenes? Now let me get this straight you say after PM'ing you about what you said to see Sophist and I am whinging behind the scenes. Now who is self-delusional. You suggested it and have a problem doing what YOU suggested.
As for complaining about you, I think you are an ass and I think you were behaving like one. (Now take into account this is only my personal opinion) I am sure you are a fine man and I am misreading you). Now when I was officially lectured about my stupid fucking Google post after having been talked to by two Admins separately I was pissed off. I looked at what avenue I could respond with, within the accepted boundaries of the forum. I would not have bothered if not for that third reprimand, but hey I was in a shitty mood and felt like it.
I wanted to see how willing as the forum was with judging me and calling me to rights with my behaviour, et al, whether they were prepared to do the same with you. I did not think so but I mean they showed that was how things were dealt with there so why not?
So how does that fit in your thought processes? I was not whinging at all. I was using it as an exercise to see how the place works.
You asked me to see Sophist
The board of Admins showed me this is how complaints are dealt with.
I am wrong to see how that all works? Let's see what other bullshit you are dribbling shall we?

Then you whimper some more when they did not agree with you, oh how my heart bleeds for you :violin:. How completely pathetic! Hah, I laugh at the self-proclaimed/boasted 'Rottweiler of the AFF'. :hahaha:

I EXPECTED they would not agree. Whimper? Nah, I that I expected they would, and thought it was hypocritical. I thought they were wrong and let them know. But sure mate frame it how you like. I did though tell them that it may be they excused you because your conduct may not have been meant to have been for bad reasons (or words to that effect).
So the proclaimed "bulldog of Gestalt" you have quite a maniacal spin thing going in this post. Do you like Monty Python. Reading this portion of your post and I am reminded of the French Knight on the castle of "The Holy Grail".

I think you're just a cheap little bully-boy who wanted to put it about a bit on another forum and then posted a link (in this thread) for others here to go across and see the sport... and I spoiled that before anybody could see - so you whimpered and complained... behind the scenes of course. I hold you in complete contempt and I think you are a completely pathetic individual. Now you're whimpering 'oh but you don't really know me'. Aw Diddums... that's a really tired old cliche. Bullies always complain that they are being treated unfairly all the while feeling free and lovely to treat others badly. Its their classic modus operandi. :hide:

I don't much give a damn what you think Nocturnalist. I think "You don't know shit from shampoo" and irrespective of your boasted IQ, I think "If brains were dynamite, you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose." Course I may be wrong but there is little I have seen that gives me the opinion you have the slightest idea of who or what I am. I think you are a Self-opinionated, Boring, Righteous, Egoist and one who is so up themselves that they think I wish to be them or was it you be like me. Go on tell me again that I am projecting my personality on you. It was pretty funny last time. As to being a bully? Course if there were no reason for me to be angry at TheZach and you had much in your knowledge of me (that you imagine you have....) you may actually have something to base this on. You don't though do you Nocturnalist. Nope you are full of it aren't you mate? C'mon accept it you will feel better.

Yes you squeak it up big here, but thats just one big play act. Playing to your audience - lol

Aww I don't really know Diddums. Poor Diddums. I certainly know why Diddums came over to Gestalt, to bait a member there. Diddums doesn't feel that not knowing me stands in his way, but somehow it should stand in mine... poor Diddums. :violin:
Aww Diddums didn't think I was courteous to Diddums. Poor widdle Diddums. :violin:
Aww Diddums thought I laid it on a bit thick when Diddums came over to a forum to bait one of its members and I stopped him. Oh poor darlin little ole Diddums. Oh my heart bleeds. :violin:
Aww Diddums didn't get anywhere much when he complained to the other Admins about how unfair I was to him. Poor poor Diddums. What a big unfair www it is. :violin:

Don't worry Nocturnalist I am sure in time you will get over yourself and you will feel lots better.

Don't worry Sir_Les, I'm sure you're perfectly safe here :tumbleweed:. I'm here alone. I'm sure there are plenty of folk in this place who mistake you for a stand up guy... you're great at pretending to be something you are not. I'm sure you have several mates here who will stand with you, just like they played mob Zach with you - tricky mobbing somebody who isn't here to defend himself... how brave an attempt though :jedi:. Its really easy to be a mob when somebody is here. So go on Diddums give it your best shot. :situp: Afterall, you called me the 'Resident blowhard' of Gestalt. :woohoo:

Yeah you've done your research haven't you Nocturnalist. Mobbing someone who is not here? Have you check the memberlist for TheZach? You bloody haven't have you? But hey...look out here is Nocturnalist ready to defend another ass. Why? I have no fucking idea. Maybe because he believe the crap he spouts or thinks he is a stand up guy (whatever the fuck that means to you)  or perhaps Nocturnalist, you have misread pretty much every fucking road sign you passed and you are are defending a stupid position for someone who doesn't deserve it to someone you don't fucking know for a cause which you ought to have got over. Because that is what it looks like to me. Fuck I have tried PM'ing him and told him at AFF and here to get his Arse here. Pm'ing him at ASDGesatalt was the last ditch effort to get him here. The Chosen one even instructed him to come here on the AFF forum so don't try to tell us that he (as another) member did not know about this nor was not able to defend himself. (Still as obvious as the nose on your face Nocturnalist?) The only reason for people starting to "mob" him is to try to elicit some response from him to come on down.
So is that the end to this bullshit essay or do you get weirder?

I am laughing at the cowardly Rottweiler of AFF. And I don't care in the least if this post is seen as uncool or laying it on thick or whatever. Fine, I may be a pathetic square and uncool person who lays it on thick, setting myself up as sport for the mob perhaps - so what! Maybe I'm a fool. I truly hate myself for many things... So go on, Sir_Loin, want a steak in a game of making sport of me? :stinker: Don't worry about being man enough for it, I'm easilly baited. Hey haven't I just completely set myself up for it? :paperbag:

Yup more of the same carrying on. You don't sound uncool, or square. Pathetic? Yeah I go with that.
Truthfully speaking? You seem to be rambling. Not good for a guy with an IQ like you though. I was hoping for wit and substance and some of those endearing qualities that the people at ASD Gestalt see you as having. Hell one guy described you as a lion. Look at you now.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 08:08:17 AM by Sir_Les_Patterson »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Offline Nocturnalist!

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #168 on: July 29, 2008, 09:03:55 AM »
Hah, looks like I'm not the only one with problems about being concise. The whinging bully-boy speaks openly for once. :birdpoop:

Aw did it rain on Diddums' parade... poor Diddums. :violin: Was Zach awfully unfair to you... poor Diddums, no wonder you started a whole thread here to 'call him out' :LMAO:

Hey, guess what, I'm not sensitive about what you think of my IQ... I couldn't give two figs. I don't happen to think IQ tests are a very good way to measure intelligence anyway :eyebrows: When I took the 11+ IQ test at school, I was scored with an IQ a little lower than the average radish. The school had me take it twice more because the IQ score was so low... I think it was somewhere in the IQ teens. Yes, I've taken later tests, and I'm also amazed I scored so highly. I always feel particularly stupid in relation to how bright I'm supposed to be. :green:

I wasn't meaning that Zach wasn't lurking. I haven't checked the member list, but its obvious you thought that was what he was doing here, from posts in this thread. However, he didn't post to this forum (I do not think he has made one single post here) though he didn't need to join to lurk... this thread is viewable by non-members... he didn't make his presence felt by posting. Little wonder I'm so upsetting to you if Zach upsets you also. Poor sensitive Diddums :bird:

Quote from: Sir_Loin
You suggested it [the complaint] and have a problem [with me] doing what YOU suggested.

Sorry, needed to brush up the English... I didn't wish to quote too much of you just enough for the gist. Hope you don't mind the additions in square brackets.

I have absolutely no problem with you complaining about me, Sir_Les. I just have a problem with you brushing the whole matter off here as if nothing, and yet blowing up a hoo har of whinging behind the scenes at Gestalt. I have a problem with duplicitous cowards and bullies and hiding things away from public view. I didn't suggest you should complain about me, I simply told you the right procedure IF you felt you had a legitimate complaint about an Admin. I knew full well that I had not given you a legitimate reason to complain. But you complained anyway... twice. Once to the site owner and the second time to the Admins collectively. I also offered that IF I was found to have been untoward or biased against you, then I would step down as an Admin. The site owner didn't find me 'untoward' or 'biased against you' in my second Administrative PM, but thought I had misread your second post... so you took that as sufficient to suggest I step down as an Admin or live with my guilt, until she clarified for you. Then in your second complaint about the same PM, when it didn't go your way, you whinged about how unfair the Admins were because they didn't find me guilty. News Flash for you... I wasn't guilty of what you complained about. Get over it.

You are utterly pathetic. I'm probably utterly pathetic also - it won't have been the first time. :eyebrows:

So, Zach made a mistake in his research. Well who made you a policeman - how many blogs have you read? Does Diddum expect blogs to be the Encyclopedia Britannica of the internet? :LMAO: So Zach didn't want your help because he thought you were going to be abusive and thought that unhelpful. Oh poor wronged little Diddums... you've certainly proved him correct about you, haven't you. I'm not posting in this thread to support Zach. You mentioned ME in this thread before I even became a member here... I even adopted the mis-name you gave me, 'Nocturnalist'. So I decided to stand up and say, 'Yes, here I am' in this thread. Does Diddums feel so very threatened by this? I realised you might wade on in, but I would have been just as happy if you hadn't.

Ah, the almighty call out. Well everybody everywhere ought to be duty bound to respond to a call out on Intensity Squared... oh naughty Zach for not doing so. I think he was a wiser person than I for not wading in here. But then, I'm a rather direct bull in a china shop. That's why I sometimes call myself a 'Bulldog'... though I didn't use that term to you. Not because I am tough like the 'Rottweiler of AFF' (although he is far from tough himself) but because I'm too dumb to know when to let things go. Bulldogs are known for clamping their jaws and being unable to let things drop. Hey, I hold up my hands and admit it. Once engaged I'm a stupid dumb ole bulldog, not able to let things drop. You saw it as boasting, as far as I am concerned it is admitting a flaw in my personality. :lolhit:

So, Zach didn't respond to the 'Call Out' here that he saw as a lurker, oh you poor sweet soul. What malfunctioning brain cell in your skull made you believe Zach would respond to notification if at Gestalt? Not particularly likely, is it Sir_Lurchalot. Nah, you didn't come across to Gestalt thinking he would respond to the call, you came over to make sport of him and you had no right whatsoever to do that. :happydance:

You honestly think that when Zach said 'no' to your request to help him, that this gross impertinence gave you the right to make sport of him? Oh and when this disrespectful and ignorant person that I am was a bit firm about stopping you... oh how that must have stung your indignation, the agonising lack of respect for your dear sweet person. How very dare me do my duty in the face of your worshipfullness. What an awful person I must be. :worship:

You complete and utter twit. Surely you had enough sense to realise somebody in the Admin team would stop you picking on Zach. I guess I was just too quick off the mark because I've seen your type often before... though seldom one as pathetic as you are. Even trollers usually have bigger rocks in their panties. :hahaha:

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #169 on: July 29, 2008, 09:19:33 AM »
Yeah you've done your research haven't you Nocturnalist. Mobbing someone who is not here? Have you check the memberlist for TheZach? You bloody haven't have you?

 :LMAO: Guess what... I'm really glad I just checked the member list for Zach :LMAO:  :LMAO:  :LMAO: Thank you so much for suggesting that.

He last signed in here on 23rd of May... you started this thread on the 21st of June :LMAO:

Admittedly he may have lurked over the thread without signing in... but that is anybody's guess :LMAO:

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #170 on: July 29, 2008, 09:41:51 AM »
Are you seriously trying to make any sense. I reckon you ought to meet Randy. He and you could have spicy conversions peppered with emoticons. His are mainly the wanking ones.
So is there anything in what you said even worth discussing that hasn't been covered? No?
The Zach thing fuck it, it would have been fun I think but he didn't front and I looked at a few options to let him know (in case he did not see where I had prompted him). He did not show and I don't give a stuff.

You keep going on about the behind the scene bit. YOU asked me to and I did. Fuck it, every place has their way of doing things. I was taking the lead from you and the admins, you idiot. If you had a problem with it DON'T suggest it.

You can call stating your opinion whining as much as you want it doesn't make it so.

Now most of what you wrote is gibberish peppered with emoticons, "diddums", pathetic put downs and asking whether I felt bad. So in answer to all of that. "No, not really, but I do think you are dribbling a load of bullshit and I would love you to keep making an ass of yourself."

Is that it? Has it come down to..."I don't like you and think you are X,Y,Z, and I wanna call you names"
OK. Well done Nocturnalist. Hope you achieved whatever end result you were chasing. I think you may have proved you are an oxygen thief.

Or was there more.....drum roll..............

« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 09:52:52 AM by Sir_Les_Patterson »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #171 on: July 29, 2008, 09:46:41 AM »
Yeah you've done your research haven't you Nocturnalist. Mobbing someone who is not here? Have you check the memberlist for TheZach? You bloody haven't have you?

 :LMAO: Guess what... I'm really glad I just checked the member list for Zach :LMAO:  :LMAO:  :LMAO: Thank you so much for suggesting that.

He last signed in here on 23rd of May... you started this thread on the 21st of June :LMAO:

Admittedly he may have lurked over the thread without signing in... but that is anybody's guess :LMAO:

Up there for thinking  Nocturnalist...where do his PM's go if he is a member already.
Where do his PM's go if he is not a member. Oh that's right he can't be PM'ed if he is not a member. Good thing he was a member on 23 May or it might have been odd starting a callout before that date. So what exactly are you suggesting is funny besides yourself?
What was the IQ again.
I want to laugh at that again.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #172 on: July 29, 2008, 12:05:46 PM »
Up there for thinking  Nocturnalist...where do his PM's go if he is a member already.
Where do his PM's go if he is not a member. Oh that's right he can't be PM'ed if he is not a member. Good thing he was a member on 23 May or it might have been odd starting a callout before that date. So what exactly are you suggesting is funny besides yourself?

Oh you can be such a complete dim wit :LMAO:

I thought I spelled it out plainly enough, yet you seen to need all the dots joined together for you also - I had no idea you needed that level of hand holding ::) People will start to talk :emb:

Zach registered with I2 on May 22, 2008, at 08:43:17 PM (BST) - OK, are you following me?
The last time Zach was active here (that usually means logged in) was May 23, 2008, at 01:10:40 AM (BST)

You called him out on June the 21st. He last logged in here on May 23rd... and you were thinking he was keeping such close attention. OK, you don't need to sign in to see your little thread here, but you are presuming he is lurking when he appears to have had little interest in this place beyond registering. Look at his profile. He may have seen this thread, but since he hasn't logged on since the day after he first registered... you simply don't know... though through the thread you imagine he is as transfixed with you as you are with him. You are a complete and utter joke. :LMAO:

Take a look at his profile, smarty pants ::)

No matter whether you use British Summer Time or whatever (and I'd be surprised if you use BST)... there are many days between the last time Zach logged onto this forum and you starting this little thread of your's. There doesn't seem to be any reason why he would not log in upon his return... though he admittedly may not have done so. :hahaha:
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 12:10:31 PM by Nocturnalist! »

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #173 on: July 29, 2008, 12:26:32 PM »
He [Zach] did not show and I don't give a stuff.

Excellent, now we're making progress. Perhaps you can get on with your life now without following him around like a little lost lamb :clap:

See what a wonderful tonic I am for you :eyebrows:

As for the emoticons... I love the collection they have over here.  :asthing:

As for the behind the scenes stuff, you know full well I'm not just talking about you complaining about me... you really shouldn't be so modest. You called me Nockers (how affectionate  :heart: - I knew you'd appreciate me giving you effectionate little cheeky names too) and posted a nice ripe little reply when you lead the Host to believe you considered it olive branch time. :-* No skin off my nose, Matey... made me feel very comfortable about you :evillaugh:

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #174 on: July 29, 2008, 03:07:40 PM »
Up there for thinking  Nocturnalist...where do his PM's go if he is a member already.
Where do his PM's go if he is not a member. Oh that's right he can't be PM'ed if he is not a member. Good thing he was a member on 23 May or it might have been odd starting a callout before that date. So what exactly are you suggesting is funny besides yourself?

Oh you can be such a complete dim wit :LMAO:

I thought I spelled it out plainly enough, yet you seen to need all the dots joined together for you also - I had no idea you needed that level of hand holding ::) People will start to talk :emb:

Zach registered with I2 on May 22, 2008, at 08:43:17 PM (BST) - OK, are you following me?
The last time Zach was active here (that usually means logged in) was May 23, 2008, at 01:10:40 AM (BST)

You called him out on June the 21st. He last logged in here on May 23rd... and you were thinking he was keeping such close attention. OK, you don't need to sign in to see your little thread here, but you are presuming he is lurking when he appears to have had little interest in this place beyond registering. Look at his profile. He may have seen this thread, but since he hasn't logged on since the day after he first registered... you simply don't know... though through the thread you imagine he is as transfixed with you as you are with him. You are a complete and utter joke. :LMAO:

Take a look at his profile, smarty pants ::)

No matter whether you use British Summer Time or whatever (and I'd be surprised if you use BST)... there are many days between the last time Zach logged onto this forum and you starting this little thread of your's. There doesn't seem to be any reason why he would not log in upon his return... though he admittedly may not have done so. :hahaha:

OK so when I send him a PM it goes to his email address and when he receives the email he will be able to view the callout that is here in his name as per the PM I send him.  :hahaha:
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 03:10:54 PM by Sir_Les_Patterson »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #175 on: July 29, 2008, 03:12:54 PM »
He [Zach] did not show and I don't give a stuff.

Excellent, now we're making progress. Perhaps you can get on with your life now without following him around like a little lost lamb :clap:

See what a wonderful tonic I am for you :eyebrows:

As for the emoticons... I love the collection they have over here.  :asthing:

As for the behind the scenes stuff, you know full well I'm not just talking about you complaining about me... you really shouldn't be so modest. You called me Nockers (how affectionate  :heart: - I knew you'd appreciate me giving you effectionate little cheeky names too) and posted a nice ripe little reply when you lead the Host to believe you considered it olive branch time. :-* No skin off my nose, Matey... made me feel very comfortable about you :evillaugh:

Wow! What a spazztastic retort from the Lion of Gestalt! Here is a ball as a reward, now go play in traffic for a while.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #176 on: July 29, 2008, 03:32:56 PM »
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #177 on: July 29, 2008, 06:00:51 PM »
Not really  :popcorn:, I find the debate more  :eyebrow:

Offline Nocturnalist!

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #178 on: July 29, 2008, 07:42:42 PM »
What a spazztastic retort from the Lion of Gestalt!

Woohoo. I've been promoted from the resident blowhard of Gestalt :razz:

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Re: TheZach stop lurking around and step into the ring.
« Reply #179 on: July 29, 2008, 07:46:46 PM »
I find the debate more  :eyebrow:

Debate? Nah this isn't worthy to be called a 'debate'. 'Debates' are serious things... we're simply playing footsie :lol: