Quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of these forum battles spilling over into other innocent forums. Sir_Les went after Timelord on AspergianPride from a feud on AI. I smacked that down on AI and warned Bonnie on AP about what she was dealing with. She was seriously tempted to do some banning on AP, but, settled for a warning to Timelord after he brought his complaints about AFF there. AP is about "positive" things and has been around since Aspergia sank. As for Gestalt, Sophist will smack this little spill over down and justifiably so.
Isn't that why we have I2 and Aspiechaos and Peaguy's new forum??? TimeLord is quite frankly a coward and refuses to come here, but AP is NOT the place to fight him. If TheZach doesn't want to fight here, then people should NOT be fighting him or stalking him on Gestalt. Over the years, I have come to see there is a reason for people being banned from forums, whether it's trivial or reasoned. I banned TimeLord from AI for justifiable reasons and I hope he comes here to confront me about it.
Sophist and the admin. there are IMHO, fully capable of keeping things on topic and within reason.
Nuff said!
Fair enough, but the people involved know what they are doing and are responisble for their actions the consequences that follow.
Pehaps they are just trying to bait them into a fight and wish to try and drag them back here for the kill.
That maybe, but, the forums belong to the person(s) who started it and it's their right to do as they see fit. Bonnie put her foot down about this over at AP and it's her forum, her perogative. TimeLord knows about this place, if he doesn't want to come here, thats his choice and by the sound of things no amount of baiting is going to get him here. Disagree, despise, and hate or whatever another forum, but, respect that they have the right to do as they please.
Well that's one option. Another is do what ever you want where ever you want but expect to face the music. If you think you can handle the outcome, then I say go for it. People are going to have to deal with other peoples bullshit no matter what. It's a fact of life so either learn to accept that it's going to happen and deal with it accordingly or pretty much your only other option is to suffer going against the grain of reality.
As you know, respect cannot be demanded or pleaded for. It has to be earnt and it has to be a choice. Don't worry too much what others are gonna do. As long as you know you did your best to hold up your principals when you could. Can anyone ask any more of themselves?
Personally, I respected how you handled things over at AI, but that's me. I'm sure there were others who could have had something to say, there always is. But who give a shit about them from your point of view. They are just problems that need to be hit with a hammer until the next mole comes along.
Life is about a series of problems, you arent living it when you dont have any problems or you are ignoring the ones you do have.
Thanks for that. Of course now that AI seems to be dead, anybody who does have a problem with my actions there would be barking up the wrong tree.

And if they did, I wouldn't give a shit, like you said.
I agree, that people have to deal with problems and each problem is unique and needs to be handled differently. My life wasn't a bed of roses and I earned everything I got because it was either adapt or go crawl in a hole and live on the edge for the rest of my life.
People who go to forums have to accept what happens if they cross a line or whatever. Not every forum is going to be a good fit a person. I gave that advice to a person who had questions about FAMsecretsociety, they had concerns, I presented a few that I had, but, ultimately I told them to go, check it out, try it on and see if it and they were a good fit.
Also, people don't seem to realize that forums like most of life changes, change happens, people grow, circumstances change. I'm not the same person that 5 years ago joined Aspergia. Alex is not the same person he was when I knew him and talked with him.
I know, change isn't the easiest thing for us to deal with, but, thats life, pure and simple.