
Author Topic: Is Autism a Learning Difficulty?  (Read 1019 times)

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Re: Is Autism a Learning Difficulty?
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2008, 10:14:21 AM »
Question that effectively came up in my exam, presumably with the assumption that it is not. Answers anyone?

It's not. Whoever thinks that is incorrect.
It is disputed though as to whether it is or isnt. Something that perhaps shouldnt be as a dummy answer on an exam paper.

Again, it's not classified as a learning disability. It says so on a government document with Tony BLIAR's sig.

Here's an excerpt from a discussion I had with an online associate (Laz/Praetor) regarding this matter:

Valuing people is a government document (you can get it as a pdf) on learning disability services for the UK. Its got a section about autism and AS in there were it clearly states they do not consider autism or AS to be learning disability. Thats the UK government with tony blairs signature under that statement so she'd be hard pressed to go against that.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2008, 10:19:50 AM by thepeaguy »

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Re: Is Autism a Learning Difficulty?
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2008, 12:50:12 PM »
it isn't in and of itself, but it can lead to learning difficulties.  as in requiring different or extra input from the "norm" (whatever that is).

it is confusing to the layperson, though: it's like saying people die from AIDS.  they don't, cos AIDS is a syndrome, not a disease, and people die as a result of infection which they contract because their immune system is compromised due to the syndrome.

so, people who havd an ASD might have a learning difficulty, but it isn't a given.

and the, of course, we come to the term "learning disability"...  ::)

bloody jargon.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Is Autism a Learning Difficulty?
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2008, 01:02:39 PM »
I wonder who actually sits down and decides how things are classified. As far as I know there is no real official guide, my psychology course has felt rather woolly to say the least.

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Re: Is Autism a Learning Difficulty?
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2008, 01:03:31 PM »
so many of them are, which is a real shame.  :(

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Re: Is Autism a Learning Difficulty?
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2008, 01:26:12 PM »
it isn't in and of itself, but it can lead to learning difficulties.  as in requiring different or extra input from the "norm" (whatever that is).

it is confusing to the layperson, though: it's like saying people die from AIDS.  they don't, cos AIDS is a syndrome, not a disease, and people die as a result of infection which they contract because their immune system is compromised due to the syndrome.

so, people who havd an ASD might have a learning difficulty, but it isn't a given.

and the, of course, we come to the term "learning disability"...  ::)

bloody jargon.

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Re: Is Autism a Learning Difficulty?
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2008, 01:32:03 PM »
it isn't in and of itself, but it can lead to learning difficulties.  as in requiring different or extra input from the "norm" (whatever that is).

it is confusing to the layperson, though: it's like saying people die from AIDS.  they don't, cos AIDS is a syndrome, not a disease, and people die as a result of infection which they contract because their immune system is compromised due to the syndrome.

so, people who havd an ASD might have a learning difficulty, but it isn't a given.

and the, of course, we come to the term "learning disability"...  ::)

bloody jargon.
What really annoys me is that most of the questions asked about studies and their authors. Who cares who did what experiment, seriously...?

Tends to make the jargon seem tolerable.

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Re: Is Autism a Learning Difficulty?
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2008, 11:48:22 PM »
But, I'll agree with Peter that school is an autism difficulty.   :laugh:
I agree, too.

I know I learn things slower than most other people but I don't know if that is a development problem or a learning problem.

Hadron, what is the class that asked this question?
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Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Is Autism a Learning Difficulty?
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2008, 09:47:54 AM »
But, I'll agree with Peter that school is an autism difficulty.   :laugh:
I agree, too.

I know I learn things slower than most other people but I don't know if that is a development problem or a learning problem.

Hadron, what is the class that asked this question?
Psychology, or allegedly. Though this is the same lecturer who forgot to bother with proper course material...

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Re: Is Autism a Learning Difficulty?
« Reply #23 on: June 07, 2008, 03:04:15 PM »
I don't think so, at least in terms of "Aspergers". Many people with AS show very high IQ's, meaning they are quite adept. However, they have SOCIAL problems, which should be taken care of (Less group work, whatever). However, more time on timed tests should not be given; the kid is probably smarter than half the class!

Autism is a different story.
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Re: Is Autism a Learning Difficulty?
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2008, 11:32:23 PM »
I have a learning disability. I figured it was mild because I have no troubles with reading and writing and learning. I can read something and learn. It's the abstract concepts I have troubles with, reports, reading comprehension, finding answers in textbooks to answers questions on worksheets or from textbooks, etc. But I had no problems in Spanish because it was all concrete. Drama I struggled in because it was working with people. But I did good in the performance and I was fine with help painting the set until I made a mistake and the kids decided I can't paint anymore. I told them all they had to do was wait for the paint to dry and paint it white and redraw the part and start again. They had all these extra lines when they drew the flowers so it made it hard where to paint and where not to paint. But they didn't like that problem solving.

I was surprised when I read my LD is severe. But the school have been wrong about that. I also have ADD so that was another reason for why I didn't learn very well. All the distraction, the teacher doing bla blah blah. I cannot listen for long periods of time. I zone out, it can be my language processing disorder too since I even forget what the teachers say.

People tell me I am very smart I can do do this and do that but they don't realize I have all these problems. I outgrew getting distracted by stuff, I can now ignore it. Funny thing is I can ignore what lot of people can't ignore like someone tapping their pencil, someone coming in the room.

Some people say AS is a learning disability but I have to disagree there. They can have both yes. Some even say LD is part of AS. My mother seems to think so since she says aspies have learning problems and she says it effects my learning.