Can't believe I forgot this in my earlier post...
The time I was working at the animal sanctuary where I volunteer on weekends, slogging through palmettos while up against a fence watching out for the carnivorous beast on the other side, and getting a banana spider right in the face when I walked into its web. To give you an idea of how big those fuckers are, here's a random pic I found on an image search, of one on somebody's hand:

Another time while working there, I was helping to prune the palm trees. (If you've never been near palm trees, some of them are frickin' huge and have fronds about 15 feet long, and about 20 feet off the ground.) I was facing upward and using a pole saw to take down a high frond, and had a gray Cuban toad fall and land on my face.
Also, my apartment has a store room off the balcony. Once, hundreds of ladybugs wintered in the doorjamb for a couple of weeks before moving on. Ladybugs are cool, so any time I needed to get into the store room, I was
very careful not to squish any of them when opening and closing the door.