my left armpit consistantly smells considerablly worse than the right one. its been like this for 2 years or so. i went to the doc all concerned and he actually laughed at me. 
I noticed this on days I did a lot of work on the computer. I figured it's the way I sit at my desk, my left arm is usually at my side or relaxed, and my right arm is up on the desk using the mouse. Left armpit gets no air and sweats, right armpit stays open, airy, and springtime fresh.
I think I put way too much thought into things sometimes.
I've also noticed that my armpits smell differently. 
I listen to everything your saying and don't laugh, even if I don't prefer to hear about it, because I care. I listen to you like your a wife of mine that I want to screw royally. I do this with everyone, no matter how trival the concern. Maybe you forgot to apply it on the other side. Low zinc levels can exaccerbate the problem also, increasing the order while it the low zinc level weakens your immunity. If your toxic in side, for any reason, it can exaccerbate the problem also.
I don't have an order that I can detect, and my noise is clear.
I my deoderant only smells when I sweat, as its degree, heat activated. I usually don't smell it though, as I rarely sweat.