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How to Use Hidden Smileys

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--- Quote from: Phlexor on April 19, 2010, 06:21:57 AM ---
--- Quote from: Ballarat Bandit on December 02, 2009, 11:27:33 PM ---I'm in the process of moving smileys around. I put a few more into the hidden box so that the [more] page takes less time to load. I'll make a complete list of all the hidden smileys here so you can see what : word : you need to type in.  8)

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Yeah dude, when are going to get around to doing this again?

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I dropped the ball on this. I'll try to get around to doing it this week.  8)

Most of the smileys that are visible are fine where they are, don't you think?


--- Quote from: odeon on April 21, 2010, 01:16:56 PM ---Most of the smileys that are visible are fine where they are, don't you think?

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Yeah, it maybe needs a few tweaks, but I wqas going to make a list of all the hidden smileys so people can use them if they want.

I'll make a new topic, lock it, and then it needs to be stickied.

Still want to stick to the 69? I'll plus you if you don't.


--- Quote from: odeon on April 22, 2010, 12:19:42 AM ---Still want to stick to the 69? I'll plus you if you don't.

--- End quote ---

Plus him, if you want. I'm always happy to offer to take him down to a 69.


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