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How to Use Hidden Smileys

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Getting an instant craving


morning :maggie:

I'm in the process of moving smileys around. I put a few more into the hidden box so that the [more] page takes less time to load. I'll make a complete list of all the hidden smileys here so you can see what : word : you need to type in.  8)

Thank you.


--- Quote from: Ballarat Bandit on December 02, 2009, 11:27:33 PM ---I'm in the process of moving smileys around. I put a few more into the hidden box so that the [more] page takes less time to load. I'll make a complete list of all the hidden smileys here so you can see what : word : you need to type in.  8)

--- End quote ---

Yeah dude, when are going to get around to doing this again?


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