
Author Topic: economy  (Read 422 times)

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Offline Johnny

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« on: May 24, 2008, 07:29:25 PM »

Doom & Gloom web site.

Can't really argue the articles are wrong, but there is always the other side of the story. Exports are up, record farm prices, imports have leveled off. American Corporations are making money around the globe and bring profits back home and distribute them to shareholders.

the social security doom & gloom is mostly based on the medicare part exploding, but nobody actually knows what kind of medical breakthrows might cure some of the old peoples health problems that are the most costly requiring round the clock care in nursing homes.

we may be down for the count, but are we finished off yet ? i don't think so because America has a system to wipe out excesses and waste if the economy is left alone. The SUV is fadding away, the railroads are taking freight back from the trucks, people aren't looking to buy McMansions 50 miles from their jobs or do they want huge house to heat. If we stop importing so much junk from china the demand for oil levels off or drops over there. They also have an incentive to conserve fuel and hitch up 20 coolies to a wagon instead of using a truck  ;)

the libtard media sure isn't going to report any good news as long as Bush is in office and if Obama gets in they will tell the people everything is wonderful and the economy will come back to life. If Obama and the libtard congress don't do much it should recover just fine because Bush has broken the back of the import surge fueled by Comrade Clintoons stupidity.

Our medical industry and lame school systems are likely to see major changes in the coming years, both are stuck in the stone age and need to enter the 21st century. Inefficant and labor intensive describe both and with todays technoligy a lot of it could be wiped out lowering the cost of both. First the biggest roadblocks to reform need to be pushed out of the way, the baby boomers who are stuck in the past and currently the biggest obsticals to reform. Major change for the better makes people look stupid for not doing it already, so they say that will never work so they don't look like morons for not doing it themselves. Pushing baby boomers out of the way needs to happen first.

Once enough young people get sick of the baby boomer system of stupidity and tell them to go away, go golfing or something, just shut the hell up already , you stupid yuppies made enough of a mess, than maybe things will get better.