Does anyone have an obsession that they don't like? I've always been curious about that.
My obsession (which I DO like) is old abandoned buildings. The older, more abandoned, the better. I like to go in them and try to find clues to who or what lived there and how. How was their life, happy, bitter, tragic, fanciful, deluded, expectant of something that is never to be, etc. Also, factories, barns, institutions, cabins, ... hmmm, cabins. The first building I ever explored was an old logging cabin, built just for the lumberjacks while they cut the forest wood. When they were done, they left it. They even left a giant mill saw, maybe 4 feet in diameter but that's off a childhood memory. Since then (maybe before, can't remember) I've been drawn to going in old abandoned places, where people used to be but aren't now.
Here's the problem. I don't want to get arrested for trespassing. So it's kind of frustrating when I know of a place and want to go there for the day, but then don't out of fear.