Figuring out what to do next is often like reading from a blueprint drawn out with invisible ink, but I can "act" by mimicry of those around me and that talent has helped me through these encounters many times.
(I know that doesn't seem honest, but it's called survival)
I'm curious - how many people here actually are opposed to this kind of mimicking behavior on ethical grounds?
I've also considered it for a long time to be a necessary survival tactic, but I do get occasional intense guilt about not being able to live "honestly". Because the inability is all due to my own reactions being too extreme to moderate without heavy-handedness.
i feel that most of the time, as though i'm "acting". i've always felt that, and wondered wtf was wrong with me. now i know i have AS, it all makes sense. it
does make me slightly uncomfortable, at times, but if that's the way i have to be to get on with life, then no point in fretting about it too much. it's a means to an end , and we capricorns are
gooooood at that.

and it means i've been able to earn a living (at one point) from being an actor/stand up comic, so there's a useful transferable skill, or what?

no ethical grounds at all, as far as i can see, although i'm interested (as in interested

) in what you mean by that.