I thought the callout threads were open to discussion? But the Main Event thread was not?
Oh, that's right. I should have moved to the main event, right?
No, it's not nessecary for something as trifle as this.
Knowing Vodzy's mind will be of benefit indeed, but it is not the crux of my angst toward Odeon.
Then what is?
Bullying. True, Vodzy's actions were stupid and possibly negligent, but I don't think any action warrants calling someone an arse or cunt or what have you, and yes it happens all too frequently on this site.
Some would say that it is the way I2 is. But I prefer it's other; adult discussion where you have to back up what you say. We can still have adult discussion and waffle without resorting to childish name calling or insults.
So in a way I guess I'm calling everyone out, but I directed to you because what you said shocked me, it was not something I expected of you, which is partially due to my lack of knowledge into Vodzy's arsey actions. And as Site Owner et al, I do hold you to a certain level of behaviour; as Site Owner et al I see you as the yard stick for the site itself, same way I've always seen you, Dunc, & Callaway (as the Semi-Perm Admin), and any of the flux admins. You set the tone at which discussion proceeds on
this your site, I think it should be a higher pitch.
Vodzy was wrong and I doubt your comment will weigh heavily upon him, but it takes one wrong step to start a journey into hell. There are many members who have thinner skins than Vodzy, true they shouldn't be here but they are, so think of your words next time, please.
Well, then., I'm off some.
You want to hear from Odeaon next. See, I want to hear from Vodzy, first.
I suspect that Odeaon knows something that we can not, from what has been posted.
This is why Vodzy HAS to be next.
What Odeon knows will remain, but what we don't know is Vodzy's mind.
Odeon has posted.
You logic is flawed.
Odeon never backed up his claim. You are merely assume he knew my intentions.
In Australia at least, one is innocent until PROVEN otherwise.
But you don't have free speech there?
Most of the time we do. Unlike here I must say, as evidenced by the mere presence of the Blabberizer.

WTF is that!?