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Peter takes a wee walk

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I'm glad you posted the pictures, Peter.

My favorite is this one because I love that view:


--- Quote from: Callaway on July 12, 2006, 10:28:53 PM ---I'm glad you posted the pictures, Peter.

My favorite is this one because I love that view:

--- End quote ---

There wasn't much oppertunity for that sort of photography, sadly.  There was a heavy cloud layer that started at about 1000m, and rain puts limits on photography too; especially when it's literally horizontal.

Does Peter take a wee long walk to wank his wee while weiners work their way to well done?


--- Quote from: fluorescent on July 13, 2006, 12:18:40 PM ---Does Peter take a wee long walk to wank his wee while weiners work their way to well done?

--- End quote ---

Fibble blibble blob?

Do you ever get some kind of connection when you go to those kind of places? You know, the ones where you cannot explain it in words but it feels familiar?

Places like that do that for me.

Anyway, your trip looks fucking rad. I'm hoping to do that someday.

I SO wanna be a hermit there.


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