Okay, just kidding with the "it must die" psycho-talk.

Loveseat and recliner: cast-offs from when some "friends" were moving. When you own a pickup truck, people you know just assume you'll help them move. (Got some gas money for that shit, right? You better!) These particular "friends" (a married couple) turned out to be a major bitch and asshole. The couch and recliner, aside from being ugly and smelly like their former owners, serve as a reminder of what a sucker I was to put up with their shit for so long before finally abandoning their asses. BTW, the truck's been replaced with a car, so at least I won't have people asking for help hauling stuff. (Rent a U-Haul for fuck's sake. Jeez!)
Office chair: the cheapest one they had at Office Depot at the time. This was a replacement for the chair before it that broke a wheel and quickly ended up in the dumpster. So, I get the new one home in its box, put it together, and everything's fine for a few months, then it gradually gets less and less comfortable. Turns out the shitty design was gradually giving out. The metal piece that holds up the back of the chair is bolted into plywood, and the plywood is its only connection to the rest of the chair. Now the plywood is all cracked and if you lean back, it will certainly fall over. Sitting up carefully and not relaxing as I type this. Not good for my back. I hope I can find the receipt for it. Though these five-wheeled office chairs do okay on the thin carpet of an office, they suck on the thick carpet of an apartment, even with a vinyl mat between the wheels and the carpet. I'm considering alternatives to the five-wheeler kind before getting the replacement.