Author Topic: WTF!?  (Read 4590 times)

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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #30 on: September 02, 2008, 05:03:56 AM »
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #31 on: September 02, 2008, 07:21:14 AM »
Excellent. :evillaugh:

Thanks for taking the bait – I knew you were going to be fun. Apparently you don't care about looking stupid. Probably just as well, considering. I'll take your rabid dribble a splurt at a time:

Quote from: cockface
And you're just another bitter lonely fuck on the internet, who hasn't got a life outside of his bedroom. What are you? 12? Shit, get a life.

A big fat miss. I'm 32, happily married with a houseful of kids, and plenty to keep me occupied. So, like the Murphy's, I'm not bitter. :shitfan:

Quote from: cockface
I'll say what I like about your pathetic whiney bullshit friends, dickwad, and there is not thing one you can do about it.

O RLY? Would these be friends like Ozy and Sir Les, who have been known to patronise said establishment? In your haste to label all the site's members you appear to have got a wee bit too much shit on the brush. Has it escaped your attention that a fair few of the 'babies' are regular posters here also? So, no, other than show you up as an ill-informed halfwit with a short fuse but no ammo, I can't do anything about it. If you want to keep typing inanities feel free – I'll let you. :shitfan:

Quote from: cockface
Now why don't you put away the razor blades before you do some real damage, you emo fag and actually give us something worth reading. Or if you can't, then piss of altogether with the other babies over on shit village and leave this site to the mature users. :wanker:


I use a beard trimmer, pal. Far less itchy. :P

'Emo fag'? :lol: Oh dear. He don't know me too well, do he? Newsflash motherfucker! YOU'VE BEEN TROLLED. You've no more hurt my wittle feelings than you could upset a lamppost.
Did you know back in the olden days a few of us set up an 'Anti-emo Task Force' on here to combat the self-pitying wristslitters? Didn't think so.

Hmm, something worth reading. How about a history lesson, noob? I'll keep it brief – I know you don't have much of an attention span.

A bunch of us set up this board a couple of years ago (after the original incarnation was quickly pulled for drawing criticism) as a free speech board with a focus on combative debate – the board was never mine, I was just the webmaster. The site was McJagger's baby, Back then the site was pretty close knit – we'd fight like bastards in one thread while bantering in another. The ask away board was set up so that folk could actually learn things about each other – and created some unlikely friendships. We also had to defend the site against various threats while trying to keep the original principles of the site, which took up a fair amount of time and energy. Eventually I got tired of the responsibility, and after nearly two years and a final straw passed the webgeek's hat to odeon, so I could go have a break and get the stink of calandale's offensive bullshit out of my nostrils. In case you haven't gathered yet, I haven't said anything against this site. I haven't left – I went on sabbatical for a few months, and I'm helping a (gasp) friend to get his forum off the ground. So I'm not on here as much as I used to be. Boo hoo. :shitfan:

Quote from: cockface
King of the net, jolly despot. Fucking idiot more like it.

Oh, shit for brains, this is the internet; do you think you actually 'know' any of these people you are taliking about? Gees, what a fuckstick. This is a forum, like any other. Electrons in cyberspace. Words on a screen, idiot. Words on a screen.

Where the fuck did you get the 'King of the net' thing from? I like it though. Odeon, can I have that for my custom title now mate? :D

At this point pal, the only fucking idiot I can see is you. And this didn't used to be a forum like any other. It was an eyeopener. Shame you never saw it. And its surprising how well you can form friendships with other electrons if you manage to get that stick out of your arse.

Hilarious stuff anyway. Keep it coming, douche! Internet tough guys are funny. :woohoo:


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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #32 on: September 02, 2008, 08:43:13 AM »
How long did it take you to think of all that shit? I mean, I've seeen 5 yo kids do better in prep class. I guess the only kick you get out of your pathetic existence is to write bullshit on a forum, so your pathetic loser mates like peabrain, Hardon and the other wankers can get their laffs. You are making an even bigger fool out of yourself each time you post, Dunny me old lad, because like a dunny, your brimful of shit. If you are going to waste your time trying to 'get'me as you seem to think you can with that addled brain of yours, then at least rermember your anorak and pocket protector, cos in the real world, wankers like you are bottom of the pile.  You say your 32, happily married. What, was it a shotgun marriage on her part? Did you drug the poor bitch and then bag her so she wouldn't see how fucking feral you were? Shit, I couldn't imagine anyone being that fucking desparate. But then, hookers will do anything for a price. The babies I'm referring to are the wankers who set up shit village, and who take glee in fucking with people just for a laff. You must fit in really well there, dickhead, given that you think the sun shines out of their collective arses. Beard trimmer? more like a Victa four stroke and some DDT. Just remember not to swallow it, it ain't fucking mouthwash. Only a fucktard like you and those imbeciles you defend would bother changing names and carrying on like retarded schoolkids because obviously they don't have the brains to know any better. Actually, i wouldn't be surprised if you didn't write that missive at all. Maybe you got your big brother to write it for you, because I doubt that bullshit about your age and marital status is anywhere near true. Hell, maybe you should post a pic of you, the strife and vegetables so I can have a real hysterical laugh. Anyway, as they say, opinions are like arseholes - everyone has one, and some are even more full of shit than others. Seems yours is the shittiest I've seen yet. I might send you some Sorbent next time you go running off at the arse again.

There is one thing you did get right, and that's the parts about drivel and bollocks in your signature. All you are capable of, drivel and bollocks.

Oh, and 13000-odd posts? That tells me you obviously have no life. As I said, don't forget the anorak next time you go shopping; you might actually meet someone who hasn't come across your shit before.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2008, 08:58:35 AM by The_Chosen_One »

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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #33 on: September 02, 2008, 12:12:31 PM »
How long did it take you to think of all that shit? I mean, I've seeen 5 yo kids do better in prep class.

The Chosen One, everything that Dunc said about Intensity and his family is true.

He is very intelligent, his wife is absolutely amazing and they have three beautiful children, two boys and a girl.  I have a great deal of respect for both of them.

Intensity started as a child of the Neurolands as a home for free speech and debate.  When Intensity went down and Neuroman did not bring it back up, a bunch of us were brainstorming on Dunc's Drivel how to get it back up again.  Dunc offered to host it and McJagger took him up on his very kind offer.  Dunc was the webmaster and McJagger, Omega and Eamonn were the administrators, just as they had been on the first Intensity. 

It is that same kindness that caused Dunc to offer to host Peaguy's site for him because Peaguy could not figure out how to make his debit card work so that he could pay for the site's hosting himself.  It is unfair to attack Dunc for the things that Peaguy, Hadron, or Shleed did on Peaguy's site.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #34 on: September 02, 2008, 12:32:24 PM »
How long did it take you to think of all that shit? I mean, I've seeen 5 yo kids do better in prep class.

The Chosen One, everything that Dunc said about Intensity and his family is true.

He is very intelligent, his wife is absolutely amazing and they have three beautiful children, two boys and a girl.  I have a great deal of respect for both of them.

Intensity started as a child of the Neurolands as a home for free speech and debate.  When Intensity went down and Neuroman did not bring it back up, a bunch of us were brainstorming on Dunc's Drivel how to get it back up again.  Dunc offered to host it and McJagger took him up on his very kind offer.  Dunc was the webmaster and McJagger, Omega and Eamonn were the administrators, just as they had been on the first Intensity. 

It is that same kindness that caused Dunc to offer to host Peaguy's site for him because Peaguy could not figure out how to make his debit card work so that he could pay for the site's hosting himself.  It is unfair to attack Dunc for the things that Peaguy, Hadron, or Shleed did on Peaguy's site.

All we have done is posted pretty much, nothing too malicious really. Unfortunately someone here is overfond of storms and teacups...

Offline Callaway

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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #35 on: September 02, 2008, 12:58:47 PM »
How long did it take you to think of all that shit? I mean, I've seeen 5 yo kids do better in prep class.

The Chosen One, everything that Dunc said about Intensity and his family is true.

He is very intelligent, his wife is absolutely amazing and they have three beautiful children, two boys and a girl.  I have a great deal of respect for both of them.

Intensity started as a child of the Neurolands as a home for free speech and debate.  When Intensity went down and Neuroman did not bring it back up, a bunch of us were brainstorming on Dunc's Drivel how to get it back up again.  Dunc offered to host it and McJagger took him up on his very kind offer.  Dunc was the webmaster and McJagger, Omega and Eamonn were the administrators, just as they had been on the first Intensity. 

It is that same kindness that caused Dunc to offer to host Peaguy's site for him because Peaguy could not figure out how to make his debit card work so that he could pay for the site's hosting himself.  It is unfair to attack Dunc for the things that Peaguy, Hadron, or Shleed did on Peaguy's site.

All we have done is posted pretty much, nothing too malicious really. Unfortunately someone here is overfond of storms and teacups...

One of you altered his profile, Hadron.  You said that you would IP ban my IP address if someone would tell you what it is.  Some people have problems with things like that.


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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #36 on: September 02, 2008, 02:01:57 PM »
Everyday is WTF, multiply that times two on weekends.
Because it's a weekend:
Everyday is WTF


Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #37 on: September 02, 2008, 02:05:46 PM »
How long did it take you to think of all that shit? I mean, I've seeen 5 yo kids do better in prep class.

The Chosen One, everything that Dunc said about Intensity and his family is true.

He is very intelligent, his wife is absolutely amazing and they have three beautiful children, two boys and a girl.  I have a great deal of respect for both of them.

Intensity started as a child of the Neurolands as a home for free speech and debate.  When Intensity went down and Neuroman did not bring it back up, a bunch of us were brainstorming on Dunc's Drivel how to get it back up again.  Dunc offered to host it and McJagger took him up on his very kind offer.  Dunc was the webmaster and McJagger, Omega and Eamonn were the administrators, just as they had been on the first Intensity. 

It is that same kindness that caused Dunc to offer to host Peaguy's site for him because Peaguy could not figure out how to make his debit card work so that he could pay for the site's hosting himself.  It is unfair to attack Dunc for the things that Peaguy, Hadron, or Shleed did on Peaguy's site.

All we have done is posted pretty much, nothing too malicious really. Unfortunately someone here is overfond of storms and teacups...

One of you altered his profile, Hadron.  You said that you would IP ban my IP address if someone would tell you what it is.  Some people have problems with things like that.
Must have been Shleed or P then, I dont think he is worth the effort. As the P has said however:

If you don't like the community for being "unfriendly" or whatever...


And I cant believe you have been skulking around on Damned Village, just as I said you would be.

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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #38 on: September 02, 2008, 02:08:22 PM »
WTF are you on about, Hadron?

Notice how I sneak the thread back on topic, btw?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #39 on: September 02, 2008, 05:24:50 PM »
Callaway: if that's the case, why did dunc shit himself over what I said about pea, Hardon and Shleed in the first place? It was none of his fucking business what I said about them, and if he is too stupid to keep out of the argument, or to brainless to realise that they were the imbeciles that started the bullshit in the first place, then he deserves to have mud slung at him as well. Fuck, it really makes me wonder about a lot of these fuckwits that pose as tough guys on internet fora; people like peaguy, Hardon, Shleed, Kosmo..... they obviously think they can piss people off becuase they get a bit of power, and when somebody decides to get stuck into them, then they start their bullshit games and think they can earn even more respect. If that's how you win friends and influence people on the internet, then I'm afraid the whole fucking thing has become a festering swamp full of creatures that should be killed off before the whole planet suffers. If dunc wants to support these prats, yeah, he can sign up for their circus. But by starting in on me when I justifiably critcise their little shitpile, he really fucked himself; because a) he weighed in on something that had nothing to do with him in the slightest, and b) he picked someone who wasn't going to roll over and take it up the arse like he thought i was. Now if he or anyone else wants me to back down about anything I say, well they can fuck off, becuase I'm not budging from my opinion that DamnedVillage and the people who run it are individuals of shit character, and I was well within my rights to do what I did in regards to that septic tank of a site. Nor will I back down on any comment I make here about anything, because free speech is free speech, and if some retarded little gimp wants to start in on me, such as dunc did, then they can suffer the consequences.

And as for you, Hardon, yeah I deleted my fucking account because I did NOT appreciate arseholes like you and your cronies fucking with it in the first place. What gives you cunts the fucking right to fuck around with me just because I have a go at a whiney little feral pig like Kosmo who started all this shit? He was the turd that issued the challenge here over a meltdown he had over Wankplanet being mentioned. He was the one who threatened Soph's site and threatened to use XRumer to flood the site with 60000 posts a day. He was the moron who posted bullshit youtube vids making fun of me just cos I happened to thing he was a fucking imbecile and a retard. News for you, dickhead; none of you cunts own the internet, and any of this tough guy posing shit you go on with only makes you out to be even bigger spastics and wankers than you look. You fuckwits didn't like the fact i had a go at him? Tough. You arseholes didn't like the fact I criticised your poxy site? Again, tough. If you want sympathy, go to fucking Wrongplanet. I couldn't give a flying fuck about you, your site or your friends, shit for brains. Words on a screen, turd; words on a screen. I jusge people on what I read, and as far as I'm concerned, arseholes like you, peabrain, Kosmo, Shleed have posted nothing but bullshit from the start, and I applaud anyone who decides you pissy litte 'paradise' is nothing but a festering sewer. So before you start in on me again with your bullshit whiney rants, remember I'm not one of your little toys that you can fuck up the arse, and I will not roll over for you no matter how much you beg. Got it?


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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #40 on: September 02, 2008, 06:15:12 PM »
Take it to the Main Event.

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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #41 on: September 02, 2008, 06:18:24 PM »
Alex179: Everything that is living is dying.   It will stop dying when it is dead.
"Earth is the cradle of Humanity. But one cannot live in a cradle forever."--Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
The law is the law. Rules are rules. God is God. A is A. Black is black. I want my baby back.

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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #42 on: September 02, 2008, 06:26:57 PM »
WTF are you on about, Hadron?

Notice how I sneak the thread back on topic, btw?

The administration of Damned Village.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #43 on: September 02, 2008, 06:34:55 PM »
Callaway: if that's the case, why did dunc shit himself over what I said about pea, Hardon and Shleed in the first place? It was none of his fucking business what I said about them, and if he is too stupid to keep out of the argument, or to brainless to realise that they were the imbeciles that started the bullshit in the first place, then he deserves to have mud slung at him as well. Fuck, it really makes me wonder about a lot of these fuckwits that pose as tough guys on internet fora; people like peaguy, Hardon, Shleed, Kosmo..... they obviously think they can piss people off becuase they get a bit of power, and when somebody decides to get stuck into them, then they start their bullshit games and think they can earn even more respect.
Its not about earning respect, more like drunken entertainment while I do my homework. Though if people respect me for it, I am not going to complain.
If that's how you win friends and influence people on the internet, then I'm afraid the whole fucking thing has become a festering swamp full of creatures that should be killed off before the whole planet suffers. If dunc wants to support these prats, yeah, he can sign up for their circus. But by starting in on me when I justifiably critcise their little shitpile, he really fucked himself; because a) he weighed in on something that had nothing to do with him in the slightest, and b) he picked someone who wasn't going to roll over and take it up the arse like he thought i was. Now if he or anyone else wants me to back down about anything I say, well they can fuck off, becuase I'm not budging from my opinion that DamnedVillage and the people who run it are individuals of shit character, and I was well within my rights to do what I did in regards to that septic tank of a site. Nor will I back down on any comment I make here about anything, because free speech is free speech, and if some retarded little gimp wants to start in on me, such as dunc did, then they can suffer the consequences.
Quit whining and unplug yourself from the Internet, if you dont like the way it is. Or you are just going to have to live with it.
And as for you, Hardon, yeah I deleted my fucking account because I did NOT appreciate arseholes like you and your cronies fucking with it in the first place. What gives you cunts the fucking right to fuck around with me just because I have a go at a whiney little feral pig like Kosmo who started all this shit? He was the turd that issued the challenge here over a meltdown he had over Wankplanet being mentioned. He was the one who threatened Soph's site and threatened to use XRumer to flood the site with 60000 posts a day. He was the moron who posted bullshit youtube vids making fun of me just cos I happened to thing he was a fucking imbecile and a retard. News for you, dickhead; none of you cunts own the internet, and any of this tough guy posing shit you go on with only makes you out to be even bigger spastics and wankers than you look. You fuckwits didn't like the fact i had a go at him? Tough. You arseholes didn't like the fact I criticised your poxy site? Again, tough. If you want sympathy, go to fucking Wrongplanet. I couldn't give a flying fuck about you, your site or your friends, shit for brains. Words on a screen, turd; words on a screen. I jusge people on what I read, and as far as I'm concerned, arseholes like you, peabrain, Kosmo, Shleed have posted nothing but bullshit from the start, and I applaud anyone who decides you pissy litte 'paradise' is nothing but a festering sewer. So before you start in on me again with your bullshit whiney rants, remember I'm not one of your little toys that you can fuck up the arse, and I will not roll over for you no matter how much you beg. Got it?
Sorry, remind me what I have done on that site towards you. Evidence?

All I have done is defend Kosmo a little from a whiney broken record, i.e. you.


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Re: WTF!?
« Reply #44 on: September 02, 2008, 06:49:19 PM »
That's just it, faggot; you don't own the fucking net, so don't tell me what I can and can't do, you stupid fuck. Face facts, your site is shit, and I called you on it. Now take your valium and lie down, before you really go off your tree.

If you want evidence, you and your admins allowed Shleed to fuck with my account by changing it to 'Wrongplanet Master' and changing my avvie to Plank. Just because I decded to flame your fucked up mate Kosmo. So I deleted my account. Then you whined that I didn't play fair by doing that. Big fucking deal, shithead, because the net ain't yours. It belongs to the whole fucking planet, and you can't fuck with people just because something in that warped mind of yours thinks it's funny. Now if you have a problem with me, then fuck off back to your shitpile forum, cos I ain't moving. Not until I'm ready to. So grow up, take your meds, and stop acting like the retarded little fuck everyone thinks you are.

And if you like Kosno so much, why don't you consummate the marriage? I hear gay weddings are legal in certain places.