yeah, i mean those gorgeous old stone walls you see rambling around the british countrside. 
There are a few of those in northern Indiana, built as the Amish cleared the land for farming. 
hey, dawg, let's get together with your music collection, my singing (and i'll even play guitar with my navel showing - yes i have a very good memory), my cooking (and some of yours, cos i want to try it), and we'll make baeutiful music and dry stone walls together. 
sound like a plan?
Sounds like the start of a good plan, but quite a few details need to be worked over, yet.
Proximity pops to mind, along with a possible instance of The Eyebrow Guy's wrath and the same from a very accomplished Eyebrow Gal who I know quite well. There is also the set of major complications associated with Thing 1 and Thing 2, who live at my present address. (they would steal your heart, for sure, despite your resistance)
This plan may need some more work.
(the sentiment is warmly welcomed, though)

*stops, just in time*