Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

I'm calling PP out.

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--- Quote from: Lucifer on July 09, 2006, 02:52:32 PM ---below where?


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the belt.


--- Quote from: Lucifer on July 09, 2006, 01:15:14 PM ---
--- Quote from: peegai on July 09, 2006, 12:27:58 PM ---"But I have red pubic hair... :("

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<Puts Lucifer on his knee>

Now, do you know about bees?  You see, there are mummy bees and daddy bees, and sometimes daddy bees get excited and stab the mummy bees between the legs and fill them with nasty smelly egg-yolky stuff, and then the mummy bees swell up and big pink screaming things covered in blood crawl out of their front bum, and when you're grown up, you'll get hair down there, which helps the daddy bees to aim when they're drunk and almost passing out on top of you after beating you and vomiting down the side of the bed.   

Now, do you want to get your dolls out and play weddings?  ;D

* Lucifer cries tears of gratitude...
oh, peter, thank you!  at last, someone has explained to me what i've been doing all these years!

i am, in fact, a bee!

* Lucifer buzzes around, buzzing happily, looking for something to sting.  ;)


--- Quote from: Lucifer on July 11, 2006, 10:41:40 AM ---* Lucifer cries tears of gratitude...
oh, peter, thank you!  at last, someone has explained to me what i've been doing all these years!

i am, in fact, a bee!

* Lucifer buzzes around, buzzing happily, looking for something to sting.  ;)
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I was watching a insect documentary one time where two mantises were fucking each other and the female ate the male's head off.

You females are all fucking crazy.

and crazy, fucking.



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