remain thick.
silence the silenced.
i have offered you away out. what do you want the gorey details. isn't it enough that someone says they were hurt.
open your fucking eyes this is not even your thread.
maybe we should consider your name change to: nosey fucking bitch.
i mean jesus fucking christ. i was willing to let a peaceful resolution happen here but you wouldn't keep your fucking nose, and opinion out of SOMEONE ELSES ASK AWAY THREAD. why don't you start answering or offering your fucking opinion in duncs ask away thread? why do you each need one.
that is my point here. whats yours?
i'll tell you what, you want some sicko to have a private, secretive voice, without the victim having the right to come onto their ask away thread and saying, " i'd like you to leave."
jesus fucking christ, you are a nosey fucking, opinionated kind of confrontational bitch, aren't you? and i thought i had issues.