Today I got up about 9:30AM, got dressed and Im now waiting for breakfast. We are going to my sisters place today 
Sorry, I've been gone lately. I NEED to know what you've been up to these past mornings. I'm DYING of curiosity... How have you been drinking your coffee? I know you've had some.
Well my mother turned up at my sisters place, so lately I've been in a bad place emotionally and mentally.
I'm trying as hard as I can not to disapear my ass from this place and hide from reality, so my daily posting count has dropped a bit.
Been sleeping in a lot as at night I need more alone time away from the family to try and deal with the internal stress, plus we are on a no junk food thing lately and that is also a bit stressful.
Plus I drink tea, not coffee, unless its and Iced Coffee.