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How to be a pussy

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"That does not have to be. Herbert Gossel, found the solution; a solution, that both of benefit of the environment as also our purse and our comfort comes - a few few snail granules satisfy, and one has the snail trouble in the grip."

But the first step is a killer:

"1. to wedge in 1-3 snail granule in the drag"

:rofl: :LMAO: :rofl:


--- Quote from: odeon on August 12, 2008, 02:33:01 PM ---
--- Quote from: The Member Formerly Known As Sophist on August 10, 2008, 09:16:45 AM ---What the hell planet are those slugs from? Not like any slugs I've ever seen. Don't even have their wiggly lil' antennae. Or their slimy trails...

--- End quote ---

More on slugs here.

--- End quote ---

You are hermaphrodites with (exceptionally) autogamy


Brain Bleach for everyone, my treat!   :green:


--- Quote from: odeon on August 12, 2008, 03:26:47 PM ---"That does not have to be. Herbert Gossel, found the solution; a solution, that both of benefit of the environment as also our purse and our comfort comes - a few few snail granules satisfy, and one has the snail trouble in the grip."

But the first step is a killer:

"1. to wedge in 1-3 snail granule in the drag"

:rofl: :LMAO: :rofl:

--- End quote ---

i can't even begin to tell you how much that still amuses me.  :laugh:


--- Quote from: Callaway on August 12, 2008, 07:08:09 PM ---
--- Quote from: odeon on August 12, 2008, 02:33:01 PM ---
--- Quote from: The Member Formerly Known As Sophist on August 10, 2008, 09:16:45 AM ---What the hell planet are those slugs from? Not like any slugs I've ever seen. Don't even have their wiggly lil' antennae. Or their slimy trails...

--- End quote ---

More on slugs here.

--- End quote ---

You are hermaphrodites with (exceptionally) autogamy


--- End quote ---

oh, i am!  :rofl:


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