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How to be a pussy
today i bought a thermometre shaped like a garden fork.. i put it nextt to a picture of General Rokossovsky :thumbup:
--- Quote from: Sir Pussycat on March 19, 2010, 10:55:02 AM ---
--- Quote from: punkdrew on March 19, 2010, 10:51:42 AM ---It is hard to resist the temptation to twist things so that you never have to admit that you're wrong or that you made a mistake.
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True. However I prefer to think that I'm god's gift and that each of my actions influence others to an inmesurable degree ::)
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I see the sarcasm Bint. Pretty clumsy attempt to insult me there, seeing that I AM gods gift compared to you. I'm older, and MUCH wiser. I can tell you're just a stubborn little bitch though, so that will have been my first and last attempt to offer you advice. You've got a rough life ahead of you.
--- Quote ---Just because you found me funny doesn't mean we're best friends now. The world does not revolve around you, as much as you'd like to think it does. So fuck you Rage
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Oh no, I insist, fuck YOU. I couldn't even bring myself to think of you as a casual aqquaintance, much less my best friend. ::) I did try to offer a fellow human being the benifit of my experience though. You'll fucking EAT your words one day, because I know damn well i'm not the only one that says this kind of shit to you. Again, enjoy stumbling through your shitty ass life in the future. I tried to warn you.
Ooh I'm so scared :zoinks: What you gonna do? You can only just about reach my tits :lol:
--- Quote from: Sir Pussycat on March 19, 2010, 02:34:29 PM ---Ooh I'm so scared :zoinks: What you gonna do? You can only just about reach my tits :lol:
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I'm not going to do a thing. You are. :LOL:
Give it a rest, will you? Both of you. It's not doing any of you any good.
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