Start here > The Sophist Method

It's all about babbling

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you have to ask?  and you're asking ME ?!!   :evillaugh:  :witch:


--- Quote from: Lucifer on April 24, 2008, 09:35:02 AM ---you have to ask?  and you're asking ME ?!!   :evillaugh:  :witch:

--- End quote ---

Yes well you do have to do some sort of personal research into these things before you throw yourself into the task.

You wouldnt want me to be a negligent parent now would you?

true.  and you have to get a balanced view.

at this juncture, though, i must insist that i have never enticed any small boys, or girls, to my house, and it is not made of gingerbread.  i thank you.

But there are kettles.


--- Quote from: odeon on April 24, 2008, 01:24:26 PM ---But there are kettles.

--- End quote ---

cauldrons, you ninny!  :laugh:


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