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It's all about babbling

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--- Quote from: Lucifer on April 24, 2008, 03:17:58 AM ---why can't i have an actual cookie BISCUIT?  :'(

don't you love me enough?  :bigcry:

--- End quote ---

I'm sorry, I'm fresh out of cookies. They are on back order though. All I have left is these love cookies that make women fall madly in love with me, and we all know you dont need that kind of stress in your life right now.

Actually that's a lie (well duh) I do have some Anzac biscuits here I could post, but I think I would have to pry them out of the cold dead hands of my 5yo. He's one of those little asplettes that has a love for all food all the time.

i may forgive you, then.  i ain't competing with a five year old.



--- Quote from: Lucifer on April 24, 2008, 09:10:51 AM ---i may forgive you, then.  i ain't competing with a five year old.


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Be afraid, be very afraid...

i taught the little bastards for nearly twenty years - i'm fucking terrified !!



--- Quote from: Lucifer on April 24, 2008, 09:30:18 AM ---i taught the little bastards for nearly twenty years - i'm fucking terrified !!


--- End quote ---

This child is like no other..... he is the ONE!!!

Now, do I mold him in the direction of good or evil?


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