
Author Topic: Early HB Calandale Thread!  (Read 3712 times)

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Offline Calandale

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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2008, 05:51:19 PM »
Who the hell is going to quote everything,
just to see if I write something reasonable?

In essence, Odeon is actually going to succeed in
killing this place, by restricting it to the clique.

Yeah, I'm starting to suspect that too. Then the relevant question would be, would he ride it until it withered away, or would he throw up his hands and leave? I don't have a good enough read on his character to determine.

I also don't know whether his form of restriction drives away more people than your form of shouting, in terms of headcount.

He's only proving everything that I said right.
I actually thought he had the right tactic, just
declaring it an autocracy. There wasn't much
I could say about that - just sniping from the
corners. BUT, turns out he isn't even man enough
to take THAT. Figures, from  someone who can't
even deal with anyone touching his profile. The man's
got some serious issues.

In fact, IF he'd not have answered me, every time, without
saying anything - either of the alternatives, by answering my
points, or by just ignoring them, we'd never be in the position
we were in. It is his stubborn refusal to 'lose' combined with
an unwillingness (or inability) to even hold his own in a conversation,
which doomed things. Ah, and lucifer's help - because that's where
he learned most of his tactics.


Current obsession: psychology. 'scuse lecture.

My idiot psychiatrist tried to diagnose me with OCD. Twice. I read several books about it and concluded that not only didn't I have OCD, I didn't have an anxiety disorder, period. Turns out the guy can't tell OCD obsessions from Aspie obsessions, OCD neatness from Aspie need for organization. You'd think telling OCD from Asperger's would be easy, but apparently it's not. Not that you can't have both, of course... actually I would guess OCD is more common with Aspies than with NTs, because we're naturally organized, and comforted by repetition, predictability, etc.

Anyway, so far as I can tell, OCD's an anxiety disorder... kind of... so there's a bunch of different things you can try with it. There's the anti-anxiety pills, yeah; but they're not going to do anything if you can't get at the basis of the problem--the thoughts that get stuck in your head, and the way you have to do stuff to make yourself feel less anxious. Pills never solve anything; they just make it easier to solve... kind of like putting oil in your engine; it won't make the engine start up but it sure makes it easier. So there's a lot of things you can try (and probably take a lot of practice) to try to live with obsessions (OCD ones, not Aspie ones)... One guy I met just started distracting himself by doing something non-repetitive whenever he felt like he needed to count stuff... he had kind of mild OCD though, and he was taking some kind of pill too. I guess if it'd been stronger OCD he would've just ended up with a new compulsion out of it.

I've also heard that OCD is something like your brain getting the hiccups--the tendency to not be able to throw away one thought and start with a new one. Apparently there are medications that help with that... originally developed for seizures, I think?... Anyway, they probably need you to work on the OCD habits, too; another way of making it easier.

Oh, and there's the "suppression" theory. If you try not to think of something, you think of it even more--that's true for everybody but apparently for OCD brains it causes anxiety, causes you to feel like you can't stop your own thoughts, like you're out of control. If you could somehow stop yourself from trying to suppress the obsession, then maybe the OCD wouldn't be as annoying. Don't know if it would help, but it's an idea.

Then there's the phobic tendencies... when you start to fear certain things or actions... Those can get dealt with the same way you deal with a phobia. Technical name is progressive desensitization; in practical terms it means easing into doing or encountering whatever you fear, so you get used to it. You start out with something that's just a little bit uncomfortable and work up to until you can tolerate the worst possible thing... Like if you were scared of heights you'd start out by imagining standing on a step stool and work up to actually going up to the 12th floor balcony. That kind of thing. Helps to learn relaxation techniques.

Speaking of relaxation... That helps with everything, even if you don't have OCD... Highly recommended to learn a few things... Not like the crazy new-agey stuff, but the kind of thing that can get the tension out of your muscles and stop you getting your blood pressure up about stuff.

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2008, 05:56:52 PM »
Yeah, I'm starting to suspect that too. Then the relevant question would be, would he ride it until it withered away, or would he throw up his hands and leave? I don't have a good enough read on his character to determine.

I also don't know whether his form of restriction drives away more people than your form of shouting, in terms of headcount.

He's only proving everything that I said right.
I actually thought he had the right tactic, just
declaring it an autocracy. There wasn't much
I could say about that - just sniping from the
corners. BUT, turns out he isn't even man enough
to take THAT. Figures, from  someone who can't
even deal with anyone touching his profile. The man's
got some serious issues.

In fact, IF he'd not have answered me, every time, without
saying anything - either of the alternatives, by answering my
points, or by just ignoring them, we'd never be in the position
we were in. It is his stubborn refusal to 'lose' combined with
an unwillingness (or inability) to even hold his own in a conversation,
which doomed things. Ah, and lucifer's help - because that's where
he learned most of his tactics.

I know he's got some serious issues. Much as he might try to hide it, he's pretty fragile.

So what's your goal, are you and he going to keep bouncing your issues off each other until this whole site turns into a five-year-old's playground? Cause that's where it seems to be headed - you with your tantrum posting random nonsense, and him using the site's tools against you.

You're both going to look awfully silly by the time this is through.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Calandale

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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2008, 06:01:15 PM »
Yeah, I'm starting to suspect that too. Then the relevant question would be, would he ride it until it withered away, or would he throw up his hands and leave? I don't have a good enough read on his character to determine.

I also don't know whether his form of restriction drives away more people than your form of shouting, in terms of headcount.

He's only proving everything that I said right.
I actually thought he had the right tactic, just
declaring it an autocracy. There wasn't much
I could say about that - just sniping from the
corners. BUT, turns out he isn't even man enough
to take THAT. Figures, from  someone who can't
even deal with anyone touching his profile. The man's
got some serious issues.

In fact, IF he'd not have answered me, every time, without
saying anything - either of the alternatives, by answering my
points, or by just ignoring them, we'd never be in the position
we were in. It is his stubborn refusal to 'lose' combined with
an unwillingness (or inability) to even hold his own in a conversation,
which doomed things. Ah, and lucifer's help - because that's where
he learned most of his tactics.

I know he's got some serious issues. Much as he might try to hide it, he's pretty fragile.

So what's your goal, are you and he going to keep bouncing your issues off each other until this whole site turns into a five-year-old's playground? Cause that's where it seems to be headed - you with your tantrum posting random nonsense, and him using the site's tools against you.

You're both going to look awfully silly by the time this is through.

Nope. I'll be banned. That's clear. My reaction to this is going to provoke
it, EVEN though I'm only quoting what others are saying.

But, that's enough.

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2008, 06:03:10 PM »
Nope. I'll be banned. That's clear. My reaction to this is going to provoke
it, EVEN though I'm only quoting what others are saying.

But, that's enough.

Do you want to be banned that badly?

More than you want to overthrow authority?
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Calandale

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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2008, 06:04:47 PM »
Nope. I'll be banned. That's clear. My reaction to this is going to provoke
it, EVEN though I'm only quoting what others are saying.

But, that's enough.

Do you want to be banned that badly?

More than you want to overthrow authority?

No. I didn't desire to be banned nor to be babblized.
But, all that he's suppressing is my spam - the stuff no
one had a problem with, since you're quoting anything

And, what's the point of fighting for what's right on a site,
when that's ALL that I can do?

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2008, 06:13:12 PM »
No. I didn't desire to be banned nor to be babblized.
But, all that he's suppressing is my spam - the stuff no
one had a problem with, since you're quoting anything

And, what's the point of fighting for what's right on a site,
when that's ALL that I can do?

True.... I'm quoting the political stuff cause that's what I have an interest in, and spam bores me, but that's just my taste. And I'll be the first to admit I'm addicted to drama at the expense of the mundane.

Is that site-killing? I suspect yes. I know that if I went off to found my own forum somewhere, it would be dead before it started. I just don't provide enough energy on my own.

So what's needed for a thriving forum then is the presence of a variety of people, each providing some kind of energy of their own that others enjoy interacting with. That means embracing those you disagree with and seeking to understand them.

*waves to everyone else out there* Those who like reading Cal's spam should start quoting it too.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.


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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2008, 06:15:04 PM »
Milla, Lesbain cows, its beef, its what's for dinner :laugh:
famous piligram John Alden is my direct descendent. physically fit!, wanna hit me yet?, warnning, you may have to acutually walk first! Persuasive creates his own luck has ability & drive to succeed   drink "Diet Dr. Maina" :) "62" orgasms at 1 time Fuck you faggot ass! not wishing Metabolic profile ( insulin metabolism etc) is almost perfect with no psychic meds, so go fuck yourself! semiautonomic controll over tear glands ambedexterous

Offline Calandale

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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2008, 06:17:17 PM »
No. I didn't desire to be banned nor to be babblized.
But, all that he's suppressing is my spam - the stuff no
one had a problem with, since you're quoting anything

And, what's the point of fighting for what's right on a site,
when that's ALL that I can do?

True.... I'm quoting the political stuff cause that's what I have an interest in, and spam bores me, but that's just my taste. And I'll be the first to admit I'm addicted to drama at the expense of the mundane.

Is that site-killing? I suspect yes. I know that if I went off to found my own forum somewhere, it would be dead before it started. I just don't provide enough energy on my own.

So what's needed for a thriving forum then is the presence of a variety of people, each providing some kind of energy of their own that others enjoy interacting with. That means embracing those you disagree with and seeking to understand them.

*waves to everyone else out there* Those who like reading Cal's spam should start quoting it too.

It's a LOT easier to just post quotes, if no one's reading it.
But, the political stuff might just serve a purpose. I'm not
in the mood to post gems of humor, only to have them

But, I ain't gonna slow down my posting either.

So, let the ban fall. Hell, at least I'm prepared, as
opposed to when it happened at WP.

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2008, 06:19:30 PM »
It's a LOT easier to just post quotes, if no one's reading it.
But, the political stuff might just serve a purpose. I'm not
in the mood to post gems of humor, only to have them

But, I ain't gonna slow down my posting either.

So, let the ban fall. Hell, at least I'm prepared, as
opposed to when it happened at WP.

I'm curious how long it will take Odeon and Lucifer to come back and start kibbitzing. They've fucked off without really saying what they want from the site, just kind of pretending it's some super-secret, super-smart plan.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Calandale

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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2008, 06:20:12 PM »
It's a LOT easier to just post quotes, if no one's reading it.
But, the political stuff might just serve a purpose. I'm not
in the mood to post gems of humor, only to have them

But, I ain't gonna slow down my posting either.

So, let the ban fall. Hell, at least I'm prepared, as
opposed to when it happened at WP.

I'm curious how long it will take Odeon and Lucifer to come back and start kibbitzing. They've fucked off without really saying what they want from the site, just kind of pretending it's some super-secret, super-smart plan.

Hey, it's their site now. At least it's in the open.

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #25 on: April 21, 2008, 06:22:30 PM »
Hey, it's their site now. At least it's in the open.

Agreed. Open is much better.

I hope they know what they're doing. A lot of people have investment in this community.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Calandale

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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #26 on: April 21, 2008, 06:24:37 PM »
Hey, it's their site now. At least it's in the open.

Agreed. Open is much better.

I hope they know what they're doing. A lot of people have investment in this community.

So long as porn isn't a big deal, there's always chaos.
Hell, that was the reason a couple of people wanted
me to start it - because they thought this place was going
to die.

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #27 on: April 21, 2008, 06:26:37 PM »
Agreed. Open is much better.

I hope they know what they're doing. A lot of people have investment in this community.

So long as porn isn't a big deal, there's always chaos.
Hell, that was the reason a couple of people wanted
me to start it - because they thought this place was going
to die.

Chaos is slow and awkward and some of the people I care about, like DD and Serissa, aren't there.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Calandale

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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #28 on: April 21, 2008, 06:28:01 PM »
Agreed. Open is much better.

I hope they know what they're doing. A lot of people have investment in this community.

So long as porn isn't a big deal, there's always chaos.
Hell, that was the reason a couple of people wanted
me to start it - because they thought this place was going
to die.

Chaos is slow and awkward and some of the people I care about, like DD and Serissa, aren't there.

True. DD, of course, is a part of the problem, much as I like him.
A big part.

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Early HB Calandale Thread!
« Reply #29 on: April 21, 2008, 06:30:38 PM »
True. DD, of course, is a part of the problem, much as I like him.
A big part.

Oh really? How do you figure?
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.