Btw, it's still legal to watch child pornography in Sweden but not to download it:
"For child pornography crimes are convicted, they who, according to Chapter 16. 10 a §
Penal Code:
1. depict children in pornographic pictures,
2. disseminate, transfer, lease, presents or otherwise make
such a picture of the child to anyone,
3. acquire or offer such an image of children,
4. mediate contacts between buyers and sellers of such
images of children or take any similar action
aimed at promoting trade in such images, or
5. possess such images of children.
The same applies to those in trade or
otherwise in the purchase order negligently distributing a
child pornographic image.
'Children' refers to a person whose puberty development is not
completed or, as shown in the image and
circumstances, it is over 18 years.
An image is considered to be pornographic if it, without having any
scientific or artistic value, in a unveiled and
challenging way depicts a sexual motive. Photos of all kinds
covered, images in printed publications, pictures in video and
images via the Internet. An image can be produced in
different ways, for example, by a real child
photographed, filmed or signature. Through various techniques more or less realistic artificial
images can also be created. New depictions can also be created by
existing depictions being reproduced.
Penalty scale of child pornography crimes is imprisonment up to two years,
or, if the crime is petty, a fine or imprisonment of up to six
months. For aggravated child pornography crimes, which must be
willful, criminal scale imprisonment of at least six months and
maximum of six years."

Note that it's legal to fuck a 15 yo but not to jerk off to a pic of a nude 15 yo, if you have downloaded it, otherwise it's legal. 
The people who make the laws should be shot. Why not just make them clear
Because then the legislators and courts would have nothing to do.
Mmm, and people like you would have none of their stupid laws to memorise and analyse....therefore you'd have nothing to do...
If bragging about fucking a 15 year old is the highlight in life for you, then probably you shouldn't poke fun of the lawmakers.