Author Topic: Oh. My. Fucking. God.  (Read 3117 times)

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Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« on: April 18, 2008, 04:58:37 PM »
Roman Polanski is a paedophile.  Not only that, but a convicted paedophile.

I am never watching any of his films.  The guy is a sick fuck, and they award him a fucking Oscar!

Convicted pedophile-rapist and fugitive from justice Roman Polanski just got away with one … again. But he had help.

The London High Court awarded the convicted fugitive $88,000 in a libel lawsuit. Traditionally, in the English–speaking world, no court would hear a libel or defamation case brought by a convict, much less a fugitive convict, but we live in a brave, new world.

In 1978, Polanski was convicted of having sex with a 13-year-old girl at Jack Nicholson’s house.

Polanski lured his victim, 13-year-old Samantha Geimer (who has since revealed her identity), a young model, to a “photo-shoot” for French Vogue at his friend Jack Nicholson’s house. Conveniently, Nicholson was away at the time. Polanski plied his victim with champagne and quaaludes, and then raped her, afterwards telling her not to tell her mother.

The crime was clearly plotted out, and was as sleazy as any attack committed by a phony “talent agent” on a desperate, young, would-be model. The only aspect of the crime that did not fit the profile, was that the victim was only 13 years old, and without any parent or adult guardian present to protect her. What could her parents have been thinking?

Polanski was charged with rape of a minor, rape by use of a drug, committing a lewd act upon a person less than 14 years of age, oral copulation, sodomy and furnishing drugs to a minor. He copped a plea to unlawful sex with a minor, but fled the country on the eve of his sentencing hearing.

Polanski’s crime was not statutory rape. According to the laws in California (and the rest of the Union), the victim has to be of a certain age before she can be considered able to voluntarily form a decision to have sex with an adult, at which point the incident can be classified statutory rape. If you sleep with a 13-year-old, you’re guilty of first-degree rape, just as if Polanski had used violence.

(Screen “historian” Leonard Maltin misrepresented the case. In a passage reprinted at Polanski’s biography page at from Maltin’s 1994 Movie Encyclopedia, he claimed, “He was embroiled in a scandal over having sex with an underage model in 1977; rather than face the charges, he chose to flee the country.” No, Mr. Maltin; he had already pled guilty. Rather than face punishment, he chose to flee the country.)

The genius judge in the case permitted Polanski to remain out on bail. The pedophile-rapist then fled the country for our alleged ally, France, where he has remained ever since. The French have great reservoirs of understanding for pedophile-rapists – as long as they committed their crimes in America.

In 2003, in an attempt apparently at removing any ambiguities the public might have had about Hollywood’s respect for morality, law, or childhood, the movie fraternity awarded Polanski an Oscar for best director for The Pianist. The crowd at the Academy Awards show gave the convict a standing ovation, in absentia. For some reason, Polanski did not appear to collect his statuette. (That moral paragon, Harrison Ford, accepted it for him.) Oh, yes, now I remember. Had he appeared, he would have been arrested on the spot, and taken off to prison. And since he had violated the terms of the pleas bargain, all six charges would be back in play, plus a charge of flight from justice. Polanski could conceivably have spent the rest of his natural life in prison.

But Polanski wasn’t satisfied with getting away with child-rape, flight from justice, or even with his soiled Oscar. He demanded respect for his good name. I kid you not. And so, when Vanity Fair magazine in 2002 published a story claiming that in 1969, the future pedophile-rapist and fugitive had “touched [Swedish model] Beatte Telle's leg and told her he would ‘make another Sharon Tate’ out of her in a New York restaurant shortly after Tate - his actress wife - had been murdered by followers of Charles Manson's cult,” that was just too much for Polanski’s finely-tuned sense of morality. He insisted that he had never touched Telle’s leg. And so he sued Vanity Fair in a British court.

That should have been the end of it. After all, since we have an extradition treaty with the Brits, had Polanski set foot on British soil to press his case, he would have been scooped up by Scotland Yard, and sent, manacled (but not in a way that would have titillated him), on the next flight for the States. And so, the jurists should simply have dismissed Polanski’s suit as frivolous.

The Crown’s courts wouldn’t possibly aid and abet a fugitive convict in his attempt to enrich himself, while evading justice … would they?

Unfortunately for us and our cross-Atlantic cousins, the British courts suffer from some of the same maladies as our own. And so, after permitting the pedophile-rapist to testify from France via video hook-up, London’s High Court found for the convict-plaintiff. The judges brought shame on themselves, the London High Court, and the United Kingdom, which has earned the reputation as the libel lawsuit capital of the world, where the judges consider no lawsuit frivolous – as long as the plaintiff is wealthy.

Although Beatte Telle refused to testify on Polanski’s behalf, she did publicly say that he had not touched her leg or even spoken to her in the restaurant, and had only stared, dumbstruck, at her. Apparently, her public statement did the trick for the alleged jurists.

Since we now live in a multicultural, interconnected world, in which U.S. Supreme Court justices cite foreign laws in their opinions, the Polanski verdict has all kinds of interesting legal potential. Might we now see libel suits brought by, say, the Nation of Islam mass murderers -- J.C. Simon, Jesse Lee Cooks, Larry Green and Manuel Moore -- currently in prison for the early 1970s Zebra killings? How about Saddam Hussein? Ramsey Clark could bring suit against everyone who ever said nasty but unproven things about his client. The possibilities are endless.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2008, 05:02:45 PM »
To be fair it was nearly 30 years ago. People change.


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Re: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2008, 05:04:42 PM »
Oliver Twist?

Filmed in 2005?

Somehow I doubt it was because of his love of Dickens.


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Re: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2008, 05:08:22 PM »
Also, it is bs that people change.  He is attracted to kids/young teenagers.  That's like telling me that in 30 years time I will develop a fancy for Mr Dick and will be changed.


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Re: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2008, 05:27:05 PM »
The year 2003 may just be the year Hollywood pedophiles come out of the closet to launch their national offensive.

In March, MGM / United Artists and Francis Ford Coppola Jr. begin shooting a film starring the admired Liam Neeson as Alfred Kinsey – the single most sadistic scientific pedophile propagandist in history. Is it prophetic that the Kinsey film follows on the heels of mass media kudos for Roman Polanski's "sensitive" film "The Pianist"?

The film is clever by half with Polanski staking his Yankee rehabilitation on a Holocaust story. If you missed the publicity spin, Roman lived through the Holocaust. The film allegedly has no sex and our hero is aided by a Godly Christian.

That said, for the price of a ticket to "The Pianist," we are supposed to forget Polanski's notorious brutality and pedophilic crimes.

But lest we forget, let's take a quick turn down memory lane.

Thomas Kiernan's biography, "The Roman Polanski Story" was published in 1980, just three years after Polanski fled the United States following his arrest for drugging, raping and sodomizing a 13-year-old girl.

Kiernan's smooth biography is candid about the legendary tyranny, sadism and pedophilia that led to Polanski's rape conviction.

Said Kiernan, "Roman just couldn't understand why screwing a kid should be of concern to anyone. He's screwed plenty of girls younger than this one, he said, and nobody gave a damn."

The child "had practically begged him" – "to f--k her," he said. "So I f--ked a chick," he exclaimed. "So what?"

After the charges of raping the unconscious girl were established, and it was clear that Polanski would go to prison, he fled to England. When in France, he arrogantly displayed pubescent girls under his spell who were used and discarded, shouting "I love young girls … very young girls."

Articles in the French press echoed Polanski's whine.

He was victimized by America's "excessively prudish petite bourgeoisie."

Now, while few can deny Polanski is a fugitive child rapist, some argue that his crime was a reaction to the brutal murder of his lovely young wife, Sharon Tate.

Except, notes Kiernan, that six weeks after their marriage, Roman found "a whole new field of girls that interested him." Although Sharon was reputed to be highly traditional in her mores, Kiernan reports that:

    Polanski and Sharon celebrated their love affair by consenting to have some nude pictures of the actress – taken by the director during the shooting of their movie – appear in the March 1967 issue of Playboy.

Ah, young love. Sharon was now part of Roman's stylish Hollywood druggie crowd.

    [She] went along with [Polanski] in some of his more bizarre sexual practices – allowing him for instance to videotape the two of them making love and then sitting by quietly while he screened the tapes at parties.

Young love shared.

After finding videos of Roman engaging in sexual variations with other women in their bed, Sharon planned to divorce him – until she "found out she was pregnant."

Kiernan describes Polanski's abuse of his distraught and vulnerable wife, no longer girlishly slender:

    [Roman] was bored with her being pregnant … He treated her like she was a piece of excess baggage. He was even pointedly cruel to her in front of others at times, calling her a dumb hag and criticizing her whenever she expressed an opinion.

The hostile father-to-be sent his wife to California while he partied in London with Arab sheiks who preferred boys. Roman instead used "a series of girls." He is quoted as saying:

    I can't stand seeing Sharon blown up the way she is. This pregnancy has made her such an insecure, nagging b--ch.

Kiernan reports that Polanski secretly planned to remain in Europe until the baby was born. "Then maybe I could go back and find Sharon the way she used to be."

He was with some, friends, "sipping champagne, passing a marijuana cigarette around … when the phone rang" in his London flat. His wife and unborn child were just stabbed to death in a gory satanic ritual in California.

The grieving husband now rushed home and, "posed at the entrance of the death house for Life magazine a week after the slaughter. He charged Life $5,000 for this picture."

Polanski didn't miss a beat after Sharon's horrifying killing in 1969.

It bears repeating that Polanksi's reputation for seducing very young girls was legendary in Hollywood and Europe.

That reputation preceeded and followed both the barbaric massacre of his wife and her unborn child and his callous rape of an unconscious child.

Pray that our memories are not so cynical and our understanding so enfeebled that the dazzle of Polanski's Holocaust Pianist "art" cleanses the cruelty of its creator. And, beware Neeson's upcoming portrayal as, says the National Review, the "big daddy of pedophile chic," Alfred Kinsey.

2003 may just signal the entertainment industry's support of a pedophile-rights movement.

I am sickened.

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Re: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2008, 06:17:03 PM »
You didn't know that? It was the first thing I ever heard about him
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2008, 06:20:49 PM »
Never really got interested in him so didn't do any research.

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Re: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2008, 06:21:25 PM »
I didn't know that.  It's disgusting.  He belongs in prison.

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Re: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2008, 08:06:32 PM »
Why should he be deprived of an oscar,
just because he likes 'em young?

He was always known as such.
I remember the stink back then.

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Re: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2008, 08:22:10 PM »
Never heard of the guy

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Re: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2008, 02:05:04 AM »
You didn't know that? It was the first thing I ever heard about him


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Re: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2008, 02:07:31 AM »
Anyone heard about Michael Jackson? I think he's guilty. Sickening how people don't want to know the real truth.

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Re: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2008, 02:38:08 AM »
Never heard of the guy

Me either.  We're uncultured.
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14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?


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Re: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2008, 03:21:30 AM »
I think he is great. The Tenant is a masterpiece.
The fact that he was fucking a thirteen year old is old news. It's also nobody else's business so long as it is consensual.

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Re: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2008, 08:17:44 AM »
It's okay to fuck a 13 year old?  :o