
Why criticise when you have equally moaned about online people?
And is PSP now your friend? You seemed to have accused here of viewing your threads and profile so many times, but now you are besties?
Oh so it was you? Hale was right.
Low fucking blow Eclair. Yeah sure, I've said groaned about WP members here and there, but I've never used their past personal issues as ammo to attack them with. Nor have I done it cowardly with a sockpuppet like you did last night.
I never accused PSP, I evidenced her doing it, and so did lots of other people here. We're not besties either, just trying to do the whole let bygones be bygones thing by co-existing peacefully with each other.
Ahh, suggest rethink, my point is...since you accuse people of BAAAAWWWW behaviour, when it was you Missy, who came here to BAWWWWWW when you had probs online at WP. You were actually offered support here, so perhaps stop being a two faced whinger, is rather my point.
You were actually given support here as a crying, moaning newbie. 'Please, someone help me'....'oh, someone's stalking me here'....seems YOU are the paranoid one.
Now you side with PSP?
You're fucking nuts and no wonder that dude was sick of your psycho, 'poor me, everyone's picking on me' fucking paranoia. Creepy.
Is there something up your ass tonight? People here have told me you have a tendancy to go through short phases where you say fucked up things you wouldn't normally. Are you experiencing this phase right now, Eclair?
I beleive my problems don't really compare to LittleFlower's petty "piss off" incident, but thanks for writing off my personal problems as just as petty none the less. I'm sure PSP will appreciate that too. I appreciate the support I received here, I don't think I've made that known enough but I do. I couldn't seek that support on WP at the time so I had no choice but to come here. Won't ever do it again though, as the respect I gain for the people who help me is never reciprocated (you being a prime example)
My paranoia wasn't paranoia at all in the end, people really were out to get me, and PSP found that it wasn't exactly paranoia either after the exact same thing happened to her. People really did fuck her over as well. Maybe that's why things are ok between me and PSP now, we finally empathised with each other and realised we were in the same boat. What are we supposed to be at each others throats still? Are we supposed to go to efforts and create sockpuppets on WP to troll each other? We were able to forgive and forget. Unlike you with your petty beef with Hale which still obviously exists, with whom you still feel the need to create sockpuppets to bully and troll.
If you were in my shoes you wouldn't have come through the other end sane either. Not as fucking creepy as some sockpuppet knowing my real name.
Yeah. All the explosive drama when I first joined was the culmination of about 8 months of tension and pain for both of us. The reason why YOURMUM freaked out when I came over here was because MsY's intentions in watching her posts were malicious, so she presumed that mine were. It didn't help that MsY had lied about who said certain things when. Things got sorted out somewhat when I was able to provide evidence to the contrary.
I stopped going for YOURMUM's throat for a few reasons:
1. After Daniel disappeared 3 months ago, she made a post sticking up for me, which she had no obligation to do, considering that I had been quite nasty to her over the previous months. AND she was the only person to care about my mental state during that time. She showed more decency and strength of character than the other 2 people involved.
2. I messaged her to thank her for making the post, and we exchanged a few messages. Now, during the time when I was talking to both Daniel and MsY, I'd often be totally confused, as he'd be saying one thing, and she'd be saying another, and I had no idea who to believe. That didn't happen with YOURMUM; what she said actually matched up with what Daniel had said to me (and these were things that I hadn't mentioned out on the forums). I'm inclined to think that if more than one person is saying the same things, they are more likely to be telling the truth.
3. I finally put together a bunch of suspicions that I'd had about MsY's honesty (or lack thereof) and manipulative tendencies, and it made me less likely to trust anything she said about YOURMUM, which is part of what my initial dislike was based on.
But yeah. People do change their minds about people, and they do occasionally manage to see things from the other person's perspective.
And I
did view her profile a lot of times; the reason why she's calm about it now is that she knows I'm not gathering information for the purpose of hurting her.