Finally feeling really holiday like.
Music blasting from the speakers. No kid complaining about it. And laughing on this place.
I love music! I never go a day without it! 
Love it, but when I have a spinning head, sometimes I need a time of complete silence before I can enjoy music.
I often have a tune stuck in my head anyway, and I tend to tap and grind my teeth to the beat,
which has become a bit of a problem lately! Hot or cold food -----> OUCH! 
When I really unwind, and have the opportunity to do that, I crave silence, till a song pops up in my head. Then I either start singing or put on the music I am hearing anyway.
Depends on the day, the moment, the situation, me and what not, how loud the music will be. Sometimes it sounds as soothing as rain, sometimes it has to be a raging tornado, blowing the last mental cobwebs from my brain.
Sometimes I use a very loud I pod to give me what I need when silence is no option. Solitude. But I prefer the route via silence.