Inspired and burnt out. An interesting combination.
Not so interesting, from my perspective. BTDT
I've BTDT too, plenty of times. I still find it an interesting state.
Overwhelmed to the point of hurting myself.
I hope you get feeling better soon PSP. BTW here is another PSP, the P7 type.

Thanks, and cool picture.
So much of this stress would be resolved by being able to move out of home and away from my abusive fuckwit of a father, but I don't earn enough to both eat and pay rent; I've tried over and over to find more work; I keep getting rejecting for everything, including
cleaning jobs, which I thought used to be what you did when you couldn't find any other work. I don't know what else to do; I ask people for help and they are as puzzled as I am about why nothing works. I just want something like stacking shelves to make a few more dollars; surely it shouldn't be this hard?
To make things even better, my parents are moving to New Zealand in 6 monhs and selling the house, and I'm sure that my difficulties finding sufficient work won't go away just because the need for it is more urgent.\
I went to all the employment agencies around here; they told me that unless I'm on the dole, which I'm not, they can't help me.
So yeah. Overwhelmed.