Conflicted and sad
Monkeygirl's best friend is having her birthday party today but Monkeygirl got hysterical and clingy when she found out I would have to drop her off and not stay for the party. But I have no one to watch monkeyboy and bringing him would be a disaster. So now monkeygirl is all swollen eyed from crying so much and wants to stay home with me "all day until bedtime" as she says. But I feel awful for her missing her best friends party as I know how badly she wants to be there. She goes to her best friends house all the time, knows the family, feels comfortable. But today she's especially clingy. I think she thought I would be staying with her. Party is in 3 hours. I tried offering to take her there and let's see how she feels but she turned into a puddle of tears. I'm fine with her staying home but I know she wants to be there. 
Hope you managed to get her there. Somehow I think she will love it, within 5 minutes after you leaving, if she has the reassurance that you will pick her up early if things do not work out.
for the stress of a hysterical 5 yo.
It doesn't stress me out, I just feel bad for her because I know where it's coming from. We went to deliver the present and she was okay for 30mins but only if I was within eyesight the entire time. I told her I needed to check on monkeyboy (he was waiting in the truck outside) and she said okay only if I didn't drive away. Checked on him and she was watching me from the window. That is not monkeygirl at all. Normally you can take her anywhere, drop her off, and off she goes with her friends. But she seems mommy-centric right now.
I think our one on one time on Saturday was something she really needed and on some level neither of us knows when it's going to happen again and she may be as aware of it as I am so she's clingy. We stayed for 30 mins and then I looked and she was putting her boots on and just wanted to go home. So we came back. I'm proud of her. She tried, she did well, and she knows her own mind. Will be happy when the schedule is set in motion because then we get an entire weekend once a month where it's just her and me and we both need that.